world artist
Long Li

Bnebu (Cina)


Oranges and pears
oil on  canvas,  81x65 cm, 2002


acquatinta on  alabastro,  45x55 cm, 2002


Vase with peaches
oil on  canvas,  55x78.5 cm, 2002




He was born in Bnebu ,Anhui, China in 1976. He started to learning painting followed his middle school teacher when he was in middle school.
In July 2000, He graduated from the Dep. Of Oil Painting of Zhejiang China Fine Arts Academy with excellent results

He is good at Still life, on which the main subject is old Chinese wares. On his painting you can see the old Chinese utensils being bright again .He uses traditional classical painting technique to paint Chinese porcelain and the fruits and let them being lifelike.
His works have been to take part in the exhibitions in home and abroad and got successes. Though he is young he is full of confident on his painting's creation, as his professional career. He resolved to devote his all life in painting

Curriculum vitae:

1998.His work <<Nude of woman >> awarded a silver prize on exhibition of students' works in Academy.

1999.His works <<Reecho the dirge>><<Portrait of a girl>><<Zhishshen- one of the characters in fiction of Suihu>> rewarded the excellent work by China Exposition of Westlake of Hangzhuo

2001. His still life works <<Charming>><<porcelain>><<Pottery and porcelain>> joined exhibition in London Art Fair and were collected by clients.

2002.His still life <<Peaches>><<Celadon>> joined Exhibition in London Art Fair


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 27/3/2003 : 60254

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