world artist
Xiaoli Dong

ShanDong (Cina)

tel. 0086-552-3126976

oil on  canvas, 


oil on  canvas, 




Xiaoli Dong was born in Dec. 1978 in ShanDong, China .
she was graduated from No.2 studio of The Fine Arts department of Shandong Art Academy.
She was a teacher in Shandong Art Academy for one year after she finished school.
Now, she is a graduate student studying in Yanpin Studio in Shandong Art Academy.

Curriculum vitae:

March,2003 the work <<The summer of Bou Sea>> joined exhibition of China the third oil painting and was collected by <<China oil painting>>.

May,2003 the works <<happy working>><<Player>><<Player1>><<Player2>> joined ShanDong Province the tenth exhibition of Fine art works for Contemporary emerging artists. in Shandong Art Gallery.

Nov.2002 her work awarded the Art creation prize by ShanDong Art Academy 2002.

10-12 Nov.2002 Dong Xiaoli Solo exhibition was held in ShanDong celebrity Gallery, there were more than 80pieces on shown.

May,2002 the work<<no rainy season>> rewarded the bronze prize by exhibition of the national Fine Arts works 2002 the works <<The Ocean tide>><<Summer>> rewarded excellent work price by ShanDong the second of exhibition of small oil painting , were collected by personal .

Jul,2001 the work <<Blessedness days>> rewarded the third prize by "Exhibition of ShanDong Fine Art works"

Miss xiaoli is very young,as a young girl she studies hard, loving art as her life, she has been observeing this world by heart using her brush to describe the beauty life on canvas.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 7 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 26/3/2003 : 60835

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