world artist
Asbjorn Lonvig

43 Fejringhusvej
Hedensted (Danimarca)

tel. +45 7589 0477

9 Trouts
ink on  various materials,  84 x 84 cm (33.1” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


A Hurt Soul
print on  various materials,  59.4 x 84 cm (23.4” x 33.1”) cm, 2003


Adam and God - signed
print on  canvas,  139 x 201 cm, 2003


Audi R15
ink on  various materials,  59.4 x 84 cm (23.4” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


Big Fat Woman (song)
ink on  various materials,  84 x 59.4 cm (33.1” x 23.4”) cm, 2010


Castel Del Monte
ink on  various materials,  84 x 59.4 cm (33.1” x 23.4”) cm, 2010


Centre Pompidou Paris
print on  various materials,  84 x 84 cm (33.1” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


Chinese Sign for FISH
ink on  various materials,  84 x 84 cm (33.1” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


Colosseum - signed
print on  canvas,  139 x 201 cm, 2003


Formula 1 2002 Schumacher
ink on  various materials,  59.4 x 84 cm (23.4” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


l'Hotel de Ville - City Hall Paris
ink on  various materials,  59.4 x 84 cm (23.4” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


print on  various materials,  84 x 59.4 cm (33.1” x 23.4”) cm, 2010


Portofino Italy
print on  various materials,  59.4 x 84 cm (23.4” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


South Rose Notre Dame Paris
ink on  various materials,  84 x 84 cm (33.1” x 33.1”) cm, 2010


You raise me up
print on  various materials,  84 x 59.4 cm (33.1” x 23.4”) cm, 2004




Candidacy to receive the "David of Michelangelo 2010 Award".

Granted the World of Art Award 2006.
The World of Art Award (WAA) is granted to artists, galleries and museums that are pursuing "best practices" in art and culture.
This competition seeks to attract artists, galleries, museums who are redefining standards of art excellence challenging existing trends and tendencies in art and culture.

"Probably the best colorul simplicity artist in the world".

"He who has his own unique style in simple shapes and bright colors".

"The art of the Danish painter Asbjorn Lonvig communicates at the first glance euphoria in a rough state. A so intense euphoria that the glance can not move away from the piece of his art." - Author Alain Joannes, Paris.


My biography - personal

In this biography I will concentrate upon why I became an artist
and my personal background for becoming nothing else.
I was born in 1949 in the Danish city Brande, which since then has become famous for its murals
of which - of course - the most popular is that of mine.

My father was a very busy man avoiding any domestic conflicts by telling a joke,
leave home and work, work, work.
My mother was psychologically extremely unbalanced -
for reasons I understand better today.

I was supposed to have been a girl.
But I surely was a boy.
I had to do everything on my own.
I never have really talked to anybody until recently.
I became a loner.
The only baggage from my childhood was to accomplice something in order to
have any attention.
And to avoid feelings by joking and working.
I became a loner and a fighter.

Fighting for mental survival.

I had all the "success" that anybody could want.
I was a very bright student in school.
I was a very talented soccer player.
I was a very talented yachtsman.
I had the most beautiful girlfriend with a rich family.
I graduated from high school and I had a little attention,
but just a little.
I was married a loving, good looking, beautiful rich girlfriend and got a little attention,
but just a little.
I had three wonderful sons and got a little attention,
but just a little.
I was educated in computer science - graduating with "a straight A" and I got a little attention,
but just a little.
I became the boss of a municipality's computer department and I got a little attention,
but just a little.
I started my own businesses in the computer world.
I became a managing director and later chairman of the board of my own companies.
I suddenly got some attention.
It was devastating.
I sold the companies becoming one of the first computer millionaires in Denmark.

I became an artist.
A successful artist.
Being a millionaire and a successful artist I had my parent's - their family and friends' - full attention.
That was what it took.

As I realized this I took a break to recover from that lifelong depression
due to a total lack of reasonable values.
As I had reached the goals I was taught -
and reviled the emptiness of those goals - sure a break was necessary.
In this period of time I made the paintings in "Sad Days" - Exhibition of Paintings.

They are existential, very emotional expressionistic paintings.

I went back to a new life.
I became a person.
I became me.
Alowing myself to feel.

Figuring out my own goals.

I re-found my own very unique artistic expression -
for the right reasons - in simple shapes and bright colors.
Which is not only an artistic expression - it's an attitude of life.

My artist statement is: Colorful Simplicity in Art as in Life.

I have exhibited in a lot of places - in
Denmark as well as abroad, but in the future
I will exhibit only in my own
gallery in "Lille Fejringhus" and on the


My biography continued....manifesto

I’m a Dane.
Denmark is in Scandinavia just on the top of Germany in Europe.
In Denmark we speak Danish, so Danish is a language, too - not only something to eat.
I was born in the first half of the past millennium in the city of Brande.
Brande is known worldwide for its murals. I was very honoured when the commercial council asked me to do a mural in one of the most spectacular places in the centre of the city.
I have done a lot of art works during the last two decades – posters, graphic designs, paintings, sculptures, relief etc.
Before that I was an IBM software specialist.

My artist statement is “Colorful Simplicity in art as in life”.
What I do is colorful simplicity, even when I write.
I try to keep things as simple as possible and I always use bright colors.
Just now I do huge paintings, acrylic on canvas, inspired by travel experiences and more. I do interactive lectures using a fast internet line and a projector.
I write articles on different art topics to different art magazines.
And then I write and illustrate fairy tales to my grandchildren and to the world’s kids.

I live in Lille Fejringhus – my gallery, studio and private dwelling, including office and library.
I’ll invite all of you to visit me.
For a cup of coffee, an interactive lecture shown on a 300 x 225 cm screen and a chat on everything and nothing.

It's about the fact that the art market is predicted to grow 3,5 times because of the Internet.
It's about my decision to stake everything on the internet.
It's about concentrating my efforts on the internet when it comes to sales.
It's about my decision to make new standards and challenge art traditions by making my drafts on a computer and exhibit the drafts.
And insist upon that a computer is nothing but a new tool.
And insist upon that using a computer is as worthy as not doing it!!!


Curriculum vitae:

1949 Born in Brande - City of murals.

1968 Graduated High School.

1971 Started my education in IT.

1971-1985 Worked as trainee, manager, president and chairman of the board.

1985 Sold my IT companies.

1986 Became an artist.

1986- Working with my own unique style in simple
shapes and bright colors, which I call Colorful Simplicity.

1988 Moved to "Lille Fejringhus" -
probably Northern Europe's most fascinating artist's house.

1990- Travelling all over the world.

2002 Launching 10 online art exhibitions
"These Days" what I do right now.
"Happy Days" paintings on huge canvases in "colorful zen-simplicity".
"Sad Days" paintings from a period of sadness.
"Both And Days" paintings.
"American Days" Paintings inspired from travels in America.
"World Wide Days" promotion by galleries in Columbus, Ohio -
Miami, Florida - Marlboro, New York - Madrid, Spain -
Chelmsford, London - Tokyo, Japan -
and Bangkok, South East Asia.
"Jutlandic Days" an e-shop with my posters, silk-screen prints etc.
"Children's Safety Days" - 12 signs in 12 languages.
"Portrait Days" - my eldest son's unique portraits.
"Storytelling and Fairy Tale Days".

2002 World Wide Promotion by 5 online galleries.

2003 World Wide Representation by Cornelius.

2003 Launching "Asbjorn Lonvig Storytelling Concept".

2003 1st February 2003 - "The LUCCA-project" is
"The LUCCA-project" is a huge
combined work of art consisting of paintings,
prints and children's books and children's
coloring books for reading online and to download
for printing.

The LUCCA-project is funded by selling huge
canvases of main characters from the books,
exhibited here at, Piacenza
in Italy,, Columbus in
Ohio and at my site, Hedensted in

Prints, children's books and children's coloring
books for reading online and to download for
printing are FREE.

To interact with the world's children, their
parents and grandparents across boundaries
of language, culture, religion, race etc.
through "colorful simplicity" in pictures
and in words.
I write the stories in English and they are
easily translated by using into Chinese,
Japanese, Korean, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
French and German.
I have written the stories in Danish, too.
That is 10 languages, launched 23 February.
Cornelius wants to translate the stories into
Indonesian, Malaysian and Thai for the South
East Asian children.
South East Asia is, Cornelius says, children's
That is 13 languages. Soon.

"The LUCCA-project" is about mutual inspiration.
Mutual inspiration is mutual understanding.
I try to inspire children, their parents and
grandparents. I receive inspiration from the
children, their parents and their grandparents.

The project is named from my granddaughter
Lucca Lysholm Lonvig.

2003 3 March launching online Alta Vista Babel
Fish Translation of the hole web site into 8
languages from English - including Italian and

2003 April-June launching

Exhibition "Children's Sculptures Days", which is about children's sculptures made for play. Made for climbing, sitting, hiding etc.
Exhibition "Sculptures Days", which is about huge metallic sculptures erected in spectacular places. Tien an Men in Beijing, Lincoln Center in New York, Louvre in Paris, Moulin Rouge and Centre Pompidou in Paris, Grand Place in Brussels, European Parliament in Strasbourg, Piazetta san Marco in Venice, The Brazilian Congress in Brasilia, Lake Superior at Toronto, Lake Michigan at Chicago, Red Square in Moscow, White House in Washington etc.
Exhibition "Portrait Days" - My portraits of Mona (Lisa).
Exhibition "Portrait Days" - My portrait of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
Exhibition "Portrait Days" - Coloring Che Guevara.
Exhibition "Portrait Days" - My computer art self-portraits.
Selection "Asbjorn Lonvig's Rapa-Nui Exclusive Selection" launched in South America by Claudio A. Batista Diaz, Chile from Cornelius.
Selection "Asbjorn Lonvig's The Modern Windmill Exclusive Selection".
Selection "Asbjorn Lonvig's Landscapes - canyon, desert and mountain - Exclusive Selection".
The story "Wind-Mill Ballet".

2003 5th to 28th September invited to exhibit at "International Contemporary Art Exhibition" in Brasini Halls in Museo Centrale del Risorgimento in Rome.

2004 Columnist at Absolutearts Art News, Columbus, Ohio. Correspondent at Editoriel Croquie, Buenos Aires.

2005 Launching print on demand...

2006 Granted the World of Art Award, London, UK
Extraposition 2006, Winner's exhibition, Rome, Italy
Graphic Design Award, Toronto, Canada

Asbjorn Lonvig


Current Galleries worldwide:

Tokyo, Japan
Manila, Philippines
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Noosa, Queensland, Australia
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Langley, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Columbus, Ohio, USA
New York, USA (KiptonArt)
New York, USA (Manhattan Arts International)
New York , USA (YourArt)
New York , USA (ArtTrack)
Emeryville, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
Los Angeles, Lomita, California, USA
Los Angeles, Long Beach, California, USA
Silicon Valley, California, USA
Boca Raton, Florida, USA
Miami Beach, Florida, USA
Forty Fort, Pennsylvania, USA
Boulder, Denver, Colorado, USA
Bountiful, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
London, UK
Briton, UK
Cambridge, UK
Northumberland, UK
Henley, UK
Rumelange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Paris, France (Listoo ArtExpo)
Paris, France (ArtsCad)
Paris, France (AllArtOnline)
Paris, France (Avenue des Peintres)
Paris, France (Drouot Cotation des Artistes - Larousse)
Paris, France (Artabus - Vauhallan)
Paris, France (Art Pour Tous - Rueil-Malmaison)
Cugand, Pays de la Loire, France
Saint-Romain au Mont d'Or, France
Madrid, Spain
Rome, Italy
Milan, Italy
Piacenza, Italy
Monterosso Calabro, Italy
Aschheim, Germany
Danderyd, Stockholm, Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Hedensted, Denmark


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 30 Ottobre 2010
Visitatori dal 1/2/2003 : 66673

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