world artist
Sarah Biondo

6271 Printz Avenue
36116, St.Louis, MO
 (Stati Uniti)

tel. 314 481 6257

Journey Through Life
sculpture on  bronze,  14x10x8 cm,


watercolor on  paper,  28x22 cm,


Memories of Queen Ann
sculpture on  ceramics,  24x12x9 cm,


Spirit of Youth
sculpture on  ceramics,  18x12x8 cm,




Professionally trained as a sculptor, Sarah's sculpture is realistic or symbolically human. As a full spectrum artist, she has extended her expression to include various two-dimensional media. Her paintings include watercolor, oil, and mixed media; with imagery that includes figurative, landscape, floral, and abstract color field.

Art works in public collections included: Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Houston Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas; Russell Sage College in Troy, New York; The Practicing Law Institute in Montclair, New Jersey; and the Parks Department in Kansas City, Missouri.

For more art work see

Curriculum vitae:

Her work has won both international and national awards. Sarah is included in the International Edition of 500 Notable Women and the 15th Edition of World Who's Who of Women both published by The American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, North Carolina. In June 1998, Sarah was listed in the VSAH-John F. Kennedy Center for the Arts, World Artist Directory, and the most prestigious directories of accomplished world visual and performing artists on the internet. In 1997, Sarah received the Art News Magazine Award at the 62nd Annual National Cooperstown Exhibit in Cooperstown, New York. She received the Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Grant from New York City in 1989. At the 1988 Art Horizon International Competition in New York City, Sarah was one of ten chosen to be awarded a Certificate Of Excellence in Sculpture. A few of her many national awards include: Court of Honors from the New York State Craftsman Association; Best Craftsman Award; and numerous Most Creative and many Honorable Mentions.
Sarah has participated in numerous solos, international, national, and invitational exhibits through out the United States and has shown work in Canada, Italy and in Brazil. She is an elected member of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, in Washington, D.C. While living on the West Coast, Sarah was accepted as an exhibiting member of the San Francisco Women Artist Gallery.
Many articles have been written about Sarah's work. Some the periodicals include: Manhattan Arts International in New York City; Gambit, the New Orleans Weekly; Woman-in-the-Arts, Schenectady Gazette Newspaper; Times Union Newspaper in Albany, New York; and many other regional newspapers. Her work has also been included in prestigious publications such as: Who's Who in the World, 14th Edition, published by Marquis Who's Who, New Providence, New Jersey, 1997; The California Art Review, A Survey of the State's Museums, Galleries and Leading Artist, published by American References; and the International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Editions, published by the American Biographical Association. Sarah is also included in the International Edition of 500 Notable Women, published by The American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 1998.
Sarah has served as Artist-In-Residency for the Louisiana State Arts Commission, Artist-In-Residency for the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge as well as Artist-In-Residency for the King County Arts Commission of Seattle, Washington.
She was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and now lives in Saint Louis, Missouri. She received her B.F.A. in sculpture from the Kansas City Art Institute and her Masters in ceramic-sculpture with a minor in painting from Louisiana State University. PostGraduate work includes painting with John Alexander at the University of Houston; and metals design with John Marshall at the University of Washington in Seattle.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 24 Maggio 2004
Visitatori dal 9/2/2001 : 61267

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