world artist
Angelika Kade

1320, North Lake Street
54956 - 1444, Neenah - WI (Stati Uniti)

tel. 920 727 9055

Endless Woman
sculpture on  alabastro,  81X81 cm, 2001


Pensive - Bronze
sculpture on  bronze,  38X25 cm, 2001


sculpture on  marble,  84X89 cm, 2002


sculpture on  alabastro,  46X30 cm, 2002




I was born in Germany, where I studied Fashion and Design and then worked several years in some of the country's major cities. During that time I developed an affection for Silkpainting, first for Wearable Art and later for Art on the Wall.

In 1990 I moved to Wisconsin, continously acquiring new skills both in painting, drawing and most recently sculpting. With special interest in the human body and a passion to work in stone, in 1999 I attended a marble carving workshop in Italy, working with most highly skilled master carvers.

In 1999 I opened my own Studio and Gallery - Studio Carvetta - in Neenah, WI

Curriculum vitae:

* Art League, Marco Island, FL - 1997 to present.
* Koucky's Gallery, Naples, FL - 1998
* Art Zone (Featured Artist), Appleton, WI - 1997
* Peggy's, Appleton, WI - 1997
* Raw Visions (Featured Artist), Appleton, WI - 1998
* Gallery Ten, Door County, WI -1998-1999
* Wisconsin Painters & Sculptors
(Chapter Show in Waupaca, WI, 2nd Best Award), 1998
* Gala Art Opening IX, BDM Country Club, Appleton, WI - 1999 and 2000
* Annual SECURA Exhibit, Appleton, WI - 1999 and 2000
* Fine Line Designs Gallery, North Ephraim, WI - 1999
* Botanical Art, Appleton, WI - 1999
* UW Green Bay, WI - 1999
* National Sculpture Society (NSS), New York, NY - 1999
* Convergys Corp, Appleton, WI - 1999
* Visiting Artist, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI - 2000
* Fine Line Designs Gallery, North Ephraim, WI - 2000 and 2001
* Bohrod Exhibit, UW, Appleton, WI - 2000
* WP&S Centennial Show, West Bend Art Museum, West Bend, WI, 2000
* National Sculpture Society, New York Invitation to "Summershowcase" 2000
* Kansas City, "The Museum Gallery" Selected for 2001 Show
* Annual SECURA Exhibit, Appleton, WI 2001
* Artrain USA, Menasha, WI 2001


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 7 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 24/3/2001 : 61121

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