world artist
Anne Studer

Am Grasberg 8
52152 Simmerath  (Germania)

tel. +49 (0) 179/67 78 462

Human Lines I
acrilic on  canvas,  50x60 cm, 2000


Human Lines II
acrilic on  canvas,  50x60 cm, 2000


Show Time
acrilic on  canvas,  100x100 cm, 2000


Two Cats
acrilic on  canvas,  100cm x 100cm cm, 2000


Two Arabic
acrilic on  canvas,  Twice 30 x 180 cm, 2004




Born in Hannover, Germany
Freelancing work since 1974 in Formation, Photography, Painting, Sculptoring
and Drawing
Convinced selfthougt in Photography, Painting.
Stay in Yuma, Arizona 1980-83

Since 1998 member of Societas Ars Erotica Nova Austria
Since 1999 member in Art Beyond Borders Austria
Since 2000 member of 218 ac BabeleArte Italy
Since 2002 member of Erkelenzer Kunstverein e.V. Germany
In 10/2001 at the Art School in Tianjin (China) lessons in traditionell Chinese painting with Mr. Shi Hong

The overlapping subject of my representations are the human beings in their wide variety in nature and relation to each other. My kind of impression are enhanced during my stay in Yuma with the discovering of indian art and lifestyle. My impressonary art work contains mostly nudes among other structures of enhanced impression which are to be processed. My sculptures containing similar structures

Curriculum vitae:

Former exhibitions:
1996-99: several exhibitions in Germany and foreign countries
2000: Team up and single exhibitions
at the Gallery Riefel, Maria Enzersdorf, Vienna,Austria
at the Grillparzer Hof Linz, Austria
at the Ursulinen Hof Linz, Austria
at the Gallery Kandinsky, Vienna, Austria
at the Gallery Pino Pascali Bari, Italy
at the 7 Seas Gallery Toronto, Canada
at the Hua Cui Artist Community "The Great Wall Exhibition" China
at the Gallery Augentrost Duesseldorf, Germany
at the Gallery Kandinsky, Vienna, Austria
1st order of a painting (magic forrest)of a
side scene (12m x 3.2m) for a children theatre
2002: Team up and single exhibitions
at the Drachten Convent Netherland
at Lankershim Arts Center Gallery Los Angeles USA
at the Kulturhuset Jönköping Sweden
at Generali Insurance Linz Austria
at the Gallery of the Castle Stolberg, Germany
at the Castle of Roethgen Eschweiler Germany
2nd order of a painting (additionel ice-palace)of a
side scene (6m x 3.2m) for a children theatre
at the EADS Company Friedrichshafen, Germany
at Travo, Italy
3rd order of a painting (additionel waterfalls at a pond)of a
side scene (6m x 3.2m) for a children theatre
at the Hua Cui Artist Community Tianjin, China
in London, The Jersey Galleries Great Britain

2003: at the Erkelenz, Kunstverein e.V. near Coloun, Germany
in Dalian, China
at theLondon Jerry Galleries Great Britain

2004: at the Roethgener Castle, Eschweiler Germany
Erkelenz, Kunstverein e.V. near Coloun, Germany
at the State Chancellery Nordrhein-Westfahlen of the city of
Duesseldorf Germany
Shan Dong Province China

2005: Shan Dong Province, China
at the Kunstfabrik Arte Scienca, Tag des Denkmals, Monschau Germany

2007: at the Western Art Museum of Tianjin and Huacui, China

Preliminaries Exhibitions:


Ultimo aggiornamento: domenica 4 Maggio 2008
Visitatori dal 1/9/2000 : 61379

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