world artist
Karen Guancione

262 De Witt Ave Belleville, NJ
Belleville (Stati Uniti)

tel. +039.973.450.4134


Contro il Malocchio
mixed media on  various materials, 


Contro il Malocchio
mixed media on  various materials,  2001


Contro il Malocchio
mixed media on  various materials, 


mixed media on  various materials,  32 x 43 x 7 cm,




For the past several years artist Karen Guancione has been creating interdisciplinary works - often integrating mixed media construction, handmade books, sculpture using household objects, printmaking, dance elements (with performers moving witing an installation and calling upon viewers to join them), live music, ritual, and recently video - to focus on women's work and entnicity, as well as issue of identity and class, and forms of resistance that challenge injustice and inequity. Acrive in numerous community art projects, Ms. Guancione successfully lobbied to get bills passed in Congress on behalf of artists while serving aste national president of the Graphic Artists Guild. Other installations have been about prostitution, domestic work, immigration, faith, the search for peace and alterantives to violence and war.

Curriculum vitae:


"War", The puffin Room Gallery, New York, NY, (installation) (2002)
"NorthEast Prints 2002", Ben Shahn Galleries, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, (2002)
"Roving Press", Printmaking Council of New Jersey, Somerville, NJ, (2002)
"Lumpy Landscape", Printmaking Council of New Jersey, Somerville, NJ, (2002)
"Carnaval de las Artes", Museo Monasterio de San Juan, Burgos, Spain (2001)
"The Senses", Printmaking Council of New Jersey, (2001)
"Beauty Be Damned", Maass Gallery, SUNY Purchase, Purchase, NY (2001)
"Spiritual Dimension 2000", St. John's Gallery, NewMark, NJ (Honorable Mention) (2000)
"Identity", Printmaking Council of New Jersey, (2000)
"Message for the Millenium", The Peace Museum, Chicago, IL(1999)
"Hallelujah 1999!", Ceres Gallery, New York, NY (1999)
"Art Now", Montclair State University, Montclaire, NJ, (1999)
"Transcending Boundaires", Shanghai Teachers University, Shangai, China (1999)
"Spiritual Dimension '99", St. John's Gallery, Newark, NJ (1999)
"Artful Pastiche", Printmaking Council of New Jersey, Somerville, NJ, (Best in Show)(1999)Bertone Gallery, Montclaire, New Jersey (1999)
"Monmouth County Arts Council 20th Annual Juried Show", Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ (1999)


"L'occhi di Santa Lucia" ( Santa Lucia's Eyes), East End Ensemble, Inc, Brooklyn, NY (12/01)
"Found Journal & Other Stories" Puffin Foundation, Teaneck, NJ (2/00)
"Found Journal & Other Stories" St.John's Gallery, Newark, NJ (4/99)
"I Giullari di Piazza, Trinity Church", Trinity Church, New York, NY (1/98)
"I Giullari di Piazza" Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, Katonah, NY (7/79, 7/98)


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 30/9/2002 : 61086

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