world artist
Susan Pergentini Rice

Chicago, Illinois (Stati Uniti)

tel. 312-505-2598

Beyond the Pale I
oil on  wood,  107 x 122 cm, 2002


Beyond the Pale II
oil on  wood,  107 x 122 cm, 2002


Beyond the Pale IV
oil on  wood,  107 x 122 cm, 2002


Beyond the Pale VI
oil on  wood,  51 x 41 cm, 2002





Susan Pergentini Rice is an Italian American artist from Chicago working in both monoprints and oil paint with mixed media. Textures and layers of paint on handmade Japanese papers serve as the basis for abstractions that challenge the viewer to see beyond the surface. These works are represented in Chicago collections and galleries.

Curriculum vitae:


Non-degree '62-64 Art Institute of Chicago

BS '68 Northwestern University-Chicago, IL

MA '98 Southern Methodist University-Dallas, Texas

Selected Exhibitions:
2003 "Vieled Expressions" Solo Exhibit, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL

2002 'WomanArt' Inclusion Art Gallery, Chicago, IL

2002 '9th Annual Member's Show' WomanMade Gallery, Chicago, IL

2002 'Women's Works, 15th Annual Exhibit of Fine Art' Northwest Area
Arts Council, Woodstock, IL

2001 '3rd Annual Chicago Art Open' Chicago Arts Coalition,
Chicago, IL

2000 'Her Mark' WomanMade Gallery Print Show, Chicago, IL


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 25 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 2/7/2002 : 60800

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