world artist
Sari Tenni

Sofianlehdonkatu 7 a 2
Helsinki (Finlandia)


José, José, José-Marie
oil on  canvas,  130x225cm cm, 2003


Life and Spirit
oil on  canvas,  140x200 cm cm, 2001


Mothers Gold
oil on  canvas,  140x140 cm, 2000


The world changes to pink
oil on  canvas,  225x136 cm, 1999


Under the Pion
oil on  canvas,  50x50 cm, 2001




I live and work in Helsinki, Finland. My background for art comes from the art and artists of the end of 19th century.

I like to paint children, and I think that watching children helps you to understand the life itself. They are so full of life! In my paintings, child is a symbol of innocence through which life itself can be expressed.

Curriculum vitae:

University of Art and Design, Helsinki 1995-2000 (Master of Art)
University of Lapland, Faculty of Art, 1994-1995

Group Exhibitions:
Summer exhibition, Galerie Oljemark, Helsinki 2003
Pulcheria Arte, Piacenza, Italy 2003
6/7, Jatty Barracks, Helsinki 2002
ABB, Gallerie Kandinsky, Wien, Austria 2002
Half Gods, Jetty Barracks Helsinki 1999
(Gru:p), Into-Gallery, Helsinki 1998
Alike, Savoy-theatre, Helsinki 1998

Private Exhibitions:
Galleria Bronda, Helsinki, 2003
Inside, Galerie Oljemark,Helsinki 2002
Virtual Land, S-Gallery, Helsinki 2001
Summer windows, Bulevardi3, Helsinki 1999, 2000, 2001
Heavenly Women, Into Gallery, Helsinki 2000
Library of Laajasalo 1997, 1999, 2000


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 31 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 6/6/2002 : 61145

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