world artist
Sharyl  Noday

2331 N. Elston Avenue
Chicago (Stati Uniti)

tel. 773-750-0484

mixed media on  board,  16X20 cm, 2001


photography on  board,  30X40 cm, 2002




My art is about bringing forth my inner landscape and sharing it with the outside world.

Iam dedicated to the process of living. It is through these eyes that I find life itself an inspiration.
It is my intention to create images that will unlock and create a bridge for openness and to seek what is beyond ourselves.
This is what I strive for.
Freedom in the creative process...Freedom in life.

It is a journey of discovery, of value.
Like an open canvas, like a new born child. Iam willing to take the risk of being seen in this journey of exposing the inner self. Perhaps others will be stimulated to dream? or to heal?

I like to inspire those in my environment. It is not the method that I share, but rather the “art of living”, both inside and out.

When I work, I embrace my life with gratitude. And then in a moments time I embrace “all of life” including the essence
of diversity.

Curriculum vitae:

1994- Academy Entertainment, Cover art
1985 Boz Magazine, Cover art, London, England
Creative Age Publications, Cover art
Concord Records, Cover art
Enigma Records, Cover art
Entrepreneur Magazine, Cover art
Los Angeles Magazine, “Finds”
Meditation Magazine, Cover art
Neophonic Records, Cover art
Tele Poche, Cover art, Paris
Time Life Books, “Mysteries of the Unknown”
Where Magazine California, Cover art
Whole Life Times, Cover art
Corporate Collections
1994- ABC Entertainment
1985 Fox-TV
Entertainment Tonight
Long Beach Symphony
NBC Entertainment
Numerous Private Collectors in U.S. and Abroad.
Awards and Honors
2000 “Who’s Who of American Women”, Midwest Millennium Edition
2000 “Herstory”, Award of Artistic Excellence, Manhattan Arts, New York
1997 “Discovery Award in Photography”, CA.
1996 “Discovery Award in Painting”, CA
1995 “Discovery Award in Painting”, CA.
1993 “Bronze Award for “Mixed Media”, Boston, MA
1991 “Recipient of Seven Key Art Awards”, Hollywood, CA.
Professional Affiliations
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC
Palette and Chisel Fine Art Academy, Chicago, IL.
WomenMade Gallery, Chicago, IL.
Chicago Artist Coalition, Chicago, IL.
Malibu Art Association, Malibu CA.
Slide Registries
San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery, 401 Van Ness, San Francisco, CA. 94102
Online Gallery www.
Chicago Artist Coalition Slide Registry, 11 E. Hubbard St. 7th Fl. Chicago, IL. 60610
Articles and Reviews
2001 “Painting with Computors”- The Chicago Journal, January issue


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 21 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 30/6/2002 : 60133

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