world artist
Hala Georgy

Cairo/ Alexandria (Egitto)

tel. +20 122 2147056

To Her Love
oil on  canvas,  100cmx70cm cm, 2001


A Glimpse
oil on  canvas,  100x70 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  100cmx70cm cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  100x70 cm, 2002


Ecstasy Pot
oil on  canvas,  50cmx70cm cm, 2000




The world goes advances because someone has the courage for the "NEW", the courage to change and to see things in a different matter, but unconventialism is not antagonism at all costs, it's not a pure and simple denial of the rules or an escape from the reality. It's the essential pledge for creativity. The colors from day to dawn, peace and tranquillity of the historical Alexandria have stimulated the inside of me to think with serenity, optimism, and with the same old innovative spirit that enlightened the other artists. This is because the variation of colors and their beauty encourage thoughts that are translated to lines on Canvas to create the conception of what's nice and the desire to realize and achieve it. It is simply the Art that coincides with passion.

Hala Riad

The artist was born in the most beautiful and historical city which is Alexandria....The beauty of the place and its history has echoed in the artist's soul and mind leaving some shades and traces of the ancient history of Cleopatra the seventh as one of the most affecting inspirations.
The artist is a communication engineer who studied Electrical Engineering, Communication department at the University of Alexandria.

She showed an early great talent in drawing since she was five years of age but yet she had more interestes in her studies apart from Art...
Since only two years she started dedicating herself completely to her Art alone...after she felt the emotional filling day after day.

Now described as a true "Rainaissance Woman" she feels there are so much to come compensating the past years in which she was distracted from her Art.

The artist paints abstracts, surrealism, landscapes and family portraits.

Curriculum vitae:

1- Egyptian Creative Arts & Crafts Festival Caravan.
2- An Exhibition at Heliopolis Club
3- Intifada Exhibition
4- The Fine Art society exhibitions


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 6 Novembre 2012
Visitatori dal 18/3/2002 : 61360

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