world artist
Susan M. Bagrationoff

10852 SW 88th St. 209
Miami, F.I. 33176 (Stati Uniti)

tel. 786-514-8267

Chicago Fall
acrilic on  board,  35 x 25 cm, 2003


acrilic on  board,  50x40 cm, 2003


North Carolina Falling
acrilic on  board,  35 x 25 cm, 2003


Summer Sun
acrilic on  canvas,  50x50 cm, 2003


Waxing Moon
acrilic on  canvas,  50x50 cm, 2003




Susan M. Bagrationoff is an ethereal artist living in Miami, Florida. She recently received her Bachelors degree in Fine Art (BFA) at Florida International University, with her focus in the field of painting. Much of Susan's recent works have incorporated the concepts of the energy of the soul, also known as the avatar. This theme provides a sense of spirituality and self-discovery for the artist and for the viewer. Susan is now exploring the energy that is embodied in flowers, plants and leaves. She is researching the 9 Chakaras to aide her in this spiritual painting journey.

Curriculum vitae:

Florida International University Miami, Florida
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
• Area of concentration: painting
• Grade point average in Major: 3.3(B)

Miami Museum of Science
Miami, Fl.
Volunteer January 2002 to Present

• Created the Scrap-O-Saurus for the Dinos You Move
exhibit at the museum. Sculpture was formed out of
recycled computer parts
• Helped inform visitors about the art project and about
the importance of recycling

The South Florida Underground Art Guild
Miami, Fl.
Founder June 2001 to Present
• Founded SFUAG to give local underground artists the
opportunity to exhibit their work to the community
• Organized and executed art events at local night clubs
• Designed and currently maintain the guild’s website

Marvin Markman Art Gallery Aventura, Fl.
Intern January 2001 to May 2001
• Assisted in general operations and sales
• Framing and hanging artwork

The Saint Davie, Fl.
Art Director September 2000 to May 2001
• Directed Art shows (Avatar Art Shows)
• Painted Angel Murals (3) from May 2000 to August 2000


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 11 Dicembre 2003
Visitatori dal 4/3/2002 : 61492

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