world artist
Hans R. Studer

Am Grasberg 8
Simmerath (Germania)

tel. +49 (0) 179/67 78 463

Birth of Venus II
digital art on  various materials,  60x60 and customer requirement cm, 2002


digital art on  various materials,  64x79 (and up to custom size) cm, 2002


digital art on  various materials,  64x79 (and up to custom size) cm, 2002


Modern Grouse
digital art on  various materials,  50x50 (and up to custom size)  cm, 2000


Theatre: Fairy tale Side-Scenery
acrilic on  linen,  Basic: Lengths: 11.2m Hight: 3.2m  cm, 2000




Born 1948 in Hannover, Germany.
Freelancing since 1974 in formation.
During my stay in Yuma Arizona, from 1980 - 1983 I became
a convinced selfthougt in photography and painting.
Subject of my artwork was and is the photography. Since 2001 digitally.
Through participations at national championships in photography in USA I received some awards e.g.
Yuma Daily Sun Newspaper Award 1981
1. Price Yuma County Award 1981
45. Kodak International Newspaper Award 1983
And thereby some specialised offers in photographic work
of different commissionars.
A highlight was a by the State of Arizona sponsorted photographic guarding for approximately six months of an examination of the Social Impact of "Snowbirds" (hibernation of pensionares, wealthy peoples, tramps etc.)in Yuma County.
The results of this examinations where are presented throughout the USA.
The most subjects of my representation are the human beings in their wide varieties and relation to each other, even their connection and integration in technical varieties and modern mass media now mostly featered in digitally treatment.
Since 1983 residence in Stolberg
Since 2000 member of Art Beyond Borders Austria
Since 2000 in photographic co-operation with female lyric writer
from Austria and Germany.
Since 2000 member of Societas Ars Erotica Nova Austria
Since 2002 member of 218 ac BabeleArte Italy
Since 2002 member of Erkelenzer Kunstverein e.V. Germany

Curriculum vitae:

Former Exhibitions 2000:
-permanent at the "Das Atelier" Stolberg
-Team up Exhibition Grillparzer Hof, Linz, A
-Team up exhibition at Tianjin Jixian Huang Ya Guan Great Wall Ba Gua
Castle, China
-Team up Exhibition Gallery "Augentrost" Duesseldorf, GE
-official order of a huge painting of a side-scene -wizard wood- (12m x
3,20m) for a performance at a theatre, GE

-Team up Exhibition at The Convent, Drachten, NL
-Team up Exhibition Los Angeles Lankershim Art Center, USA
-Team up Exhibition Jönköping, S
-Team up Exhibition Generali Isurance Company Linz, A
-City Gallery Castle Stolberg, GE
-Tianjin Jixian Huang Ya Guan Great Wall Ba Gua Castle, China
-official aditionell order of a huge painting of a side-scene -Ice
palace-(6m x 3,20m) for a performance at a theatre, GE
-Röthgener Castle Eschweiler, GE
-Tianjin City Jixian, China

-Exhibition at the EADS Company Friedrichshafen, GE
-Hua Cui Artist community Tianjin, China
-Team up exhibition at Tianjin Jixian Huang Ya Guan Great Wall Ba Gua
Castle, China
-official aditionell order of a huge painting of a side-scene -water
fall-(6m x 3,20m) for a performance at a theatre, GE
-Jersey Galleries Isleworth, GB
-Hua Cui Artist community Tianjin, China

-Erkelenz, Kunstverein e.V. near Coloun, GE
-Dalian, China
-London Jerry Galleries GB

-Roethgener Castle, Eschweiler GE
-Erkelenz, Kunstverein e.V. near Coloun, GE
-State Chancellery Nordrhein-Westfahlen of the city of Duesseldorf GE
-Shan Dong Province China

-Shan Dong Province, China
-Kunstfabrik Arte Scienca Tag des Denkmals Monschau GE

-Western Art Museum of Tianjin, China and Huacui


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 21 Aprile 2008
Visitatori dal 22/4/2002 : 61223

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