world artist
Nicoletta Poli

Provincetown (Stati Uniti)

tel. 508-487-7859

Big Hug
oil on  juta,  11x14 cm, 2001


Bread and Wine
oil on  linen,  8x10 inches cm, 2002


Mexican Blanket
oil on  juta,  12x16 inches cm, 2002


Wine and Oranges
oil on  linen,  24x30 cm, 2002




I was born in Hoboken NJ and raised in southern Italy. My father a painter was my earliest influence. I decided to become a full time artist when I moved to the artist colony of Provincetown Cape Cod. Through the 20 years of being a painter I've developed in many different ways. Now I have my own gallery and feel I have reached a certain level of fullfillment, I hope my work reflects that.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 3/4/2002 : 60816

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