world artist
Jude DiPaolo

1621 s. Halsted st.
Chicago (Stati Uniti)

tel. 312-491-8333

Six Days To Sunday
oil on  wood,  96in.X60in. cm, 2012




Born in Chicago, Illinois. I received by BFA and Masters in Art and Art
Therapy at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
The concepts I address in my paintings are symbols or a coded language dealing with the effects of color. These paintings reflect my interst in the formal elements of color and how it reacts when combined with various symbols. We all have symbols that hold certain information for us. The information can be cultural, universal, spiritual or just a way to visualize information. These paintings generate a dialogue and art thus provokes a process of deciphering within the viewer.

Curriculum vitae:

Born in Chicago,Illinois and received a BFA and a Master in Art and Art Therapy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. My resume includes numerous juried art exhibitions and a solo shows. I have received grants and awards of honor for many exhibitions I have entered.


Ultimo aggiornamento: domenica 3 Giugno 2012
Visitatori dal 3/4/2002 : 60955

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