world artist
Linda Sharpe

Minneapolis, Minnesota (Stati Uniti)


Chasing The Sun
acrilic on  paper,  24 x 19 cm, 2002


Star Gazing From The Center Of The Universe
acrilic on  paper,  24 x 19 cm, 2002




1972 - Master's Degree, International Relations, University of Minnesota

Arts Related Experience

* 1985-present - Importer of Asian and Indian art
* 1996-present - Intuitive painting workshops

My art comes from that place of no thought-total absorption in the act of doing without contemplation or planning. The fun is in allowing the creativity to flow-from my heart and soul-from my love for color, drama, fantasy and whimsy. For me painting is about putting color and form to paper to express feelings and ideas. I never know what will awaken out of the empty white or a form already painted. The picture paints itself and finds its own balance and resolution. Groups of people appear-ones that are not often depicted in art or photography- and tell me their stories.
My work explores how individuality is challenged by relationships, how relationships pressure us to conform and how we respond to these demands.

Curriculum vitae:

Solo Exhibition - 2001
The Children's Theater, Minneapolis MN, Juried show part of The Visible Fringe at The Minnesota Fringe Festival

* Group Exhibitions - 2001/2002
Sold On Art, Intermedia Arts, Minneapolis, MN

Outsiders Outside, Judith Racht Gallery, Harbert, MI
Estrogenius 2001, Manhattan Theatre Source. New York City, NY
The Rogue Buddah Gallery, Minneapolis, MN


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 4/1/2002 : 60207

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