world artist
Valentin Vassilev

Hermosa Beach (Stati Uniti)

tel. 310 937 0597

Isidora Duncan- Free Dance
sculpture on  bronze,  200 cm, 2001




I was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. Since childhood, I've always been inspired by the visual grandeur of ancient Greek Civilization and the art of Italian Renaissance.
Fascinated with the intrinsic beauty of the human form, I studied sculpture and anatomy for more than 15 years, eventually earning Bachelor of Art and Master of Art degrees.

Throughout the 1980's and 1990's, my bronzes have been showcased in many of the largest and most prestigious art forums in Europe including Bazel Art in Switzerland, and the Frankfurt Art Fair in Germany.
In both individual and group shows, my art has been exhibited in every western European country, and in many others such as Greece, Japan, Mexico, the United States.

Private collectors such as Mr.Peter Stoyanov - President of Bulgaria, Mrs.Tipper Gore - wife ot Vice President All Gore, Mr. Arsenio Hall - Hollywood Celebrity and Actor, Mrs./Mr.Fisher Art Collectors - Germany, Mr. J. Clark writer and journalist for "Time Magazine" - Toronto, Canada, Mr. Robert Nicely - Third generation Art Collector, Germany, Proff. J. Dezmolier - France, e.c.

I moved to Los Angeles and eventually opened my studio in Hermosa Beach, California. Here, in addition to developing my figurative abstract fine art, I have been working as a sculptor in the motion picture industry for some of the most creative special effects hoses in Hollywood including Digital Domain and Dream Quest. I have been credited for my work in movies such as "Titanic", "Arrival", "Bicentennial Man", "Dante's Peak", and "The Fifth Element".

Member: Who's Who International
member: NSS National Sculptors Society, U.S.A.
Member: Art Beyond Borders
Listed in: World Artist Directory, ALT EXPO

Curriculum vitae:

Awarded in Biennale Internacionale Dell'Arte
Contemoranea, Florence, third edition,Italy, December, 2001.
Special Award, diploma and medal of Lorenzo il Magnifico from
the President of the Biennale Prof. Pasquale Celona.

Art for Charity - third exhibition in the
Historical building of the National Parliament of Bulgaria, December
2001 - January 2002.

President Peter Stoyanov and First Lady Antonina Stoyanova in Los Angeles, September 4, 2000. President of Bulgaria Peter Stoyanov received a unique art piece from sculptor Valentin Vassilev.

Art Share Angel Award Statue created by sculptor Valentin, Los Angeles, California.
Award Recipients: Tipper Gore- wife of Vice President of the U.S.A.,Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Actor Edward Asner

Karmelklooster Drachten - group show, 13 January - 4 February, 2001, Holland.
International Art Project - Gallery Augentrost, Dusseldorf, 16 October - 10 November, Germany

Religious Art Festival 2000 - juried group show, Santa Monica, California.

The Great Wall Exhibition", group show, China, October 2000.
Gallery- group show in, Toronto, Canada,October 2000

Group show in gallery, Art for Share, Down Town - Los Angeles, California, September 2000
1999-2000 Represented by Gallery, Swit Ozor, Santa Barbara, California.

Galerie Zundermman, Wurtzburg, Germany - One Man Show, March, 1999
One-man show at Gallerie Raphael in Frankfurt, Germany. Mr. Clemans Jokle, a well-known art historian in Germany, opened the show. Gallery Raphael has successfully represented Valentin's work for more than a decade.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 20/3/2002 : 60022

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