world artist
Maria Varga

Margaretengürtel 126/8/25
Vienna (Austria)

tel. 0043-1-5487795

Flowers of sorrow
encaustic on  paper,  15 x 21 cm, 2001


oil on  canvas,  120 x 80 cm, 1998


acquatinta on  paper,  30 x 40 cm, 1999


With mother's eyes
oil on  canvas,  108 x 70 cm, 1998




Personal details

Date & place of birth: 10.11.1948. Budapest, Hungary
Marital status: married
Dependents: son, 1979
Nationality: Austria
Gymnasium, Martikulation, Budapest
Academy of Acting Arts, Budapest
Multimedia Design, Vienna

Professional experience

Theatrical actress, Hungary
Commercial editor for Hungarian Radio & Television
Self employed shop owner, manager and designer
Painting artist - sideline

1988 Immigration to Austria

"Maria Varga Handweaving and Textile-Design",
manager and designer in Mödling

since 1991 Independent artist
since 1996 Manager of the childrens workshop during the
"Magic of Advent in Vienna" at the Townhall

since 2000 Teacher of painting courses of Encaustic painting Art


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 7 Marzo 2006
Visitatori dal 13/3/2002 : 60842

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