world artist
Nick Thomson

London (Gran Bretagna)

tel. +44 (0) 777 61 88 083

Auqa Sperm
acrilic on  canvas,  180cm x 70cm cm, 1999


acrilic on  canvas,  80cm x 80cm cm, 2000


Pebbles 2
acrilic on  canvas,  60cm x 80cm cm, 2000


acrilic on  canvas,  60cm x 80cm cm, 2002




Born in Berlin - 1974 - BA(hons) His formative years were spent in Africa, France and Australia, and these varying and diverse landscapes left a lasting impression.

From the dryness of the outback to the rugged coast of Normandy, and sometimes combining natural materials with in the painting itself, Thomson work offers the viewer a techni-colour vista into one mans interpretation of his environment.

He enjoys his works, and he hopes his works enjoys him.

Thomson’s work centres the relationships between colours and textures. This is complemented by various shapes and forms derived from nature itself.

Curriculum vitae:

1998 Bowles & Linaries Interior Designers, London

Assistant Creative/Designer (6 months post Graduate placement)

1995-199 University of East Anglia, Ipswich
2:2 BA Honours in Art and Design
Product Design, Applied Arts, Art History

1994-1995 Foundation Course - North Oxfordshire College
BTEC Diploma - Distinction in Art and Design

Exhibitions to come
2002- Bar Room Bar, Hampstead, London, April
Bar Room Bar, Battersea, London, August
Bar Room Bar, Fulham, London, December
2001 Slug and Lettuce, Putney, London - on going
2000 Anson & Macade, Hatton Gardens, London - on going
Bar Room Bar, Hampstead, London
Lunasa, Kings Road, London
1999 Bar Room Bar, Kennington, London
Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London
1998 Wire Works’ La Gallerie de Tourgeville , France. December
'Walk 98’ Bowles & Linaries, Notting Hill,UK. September
‘Lamps’ Suffolk Graduate Show , Ipswich, UK. June
‘Tables’ Suffolk Graduate Show , Ipswich, UK. January
1997 ‘All Works’ Hope House Ipswich UK.
1996 ‘Sounds of Krakow’ Poznan, Poland. August


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 12/3/2002 : 61463

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