world artist
Nina Kuriloff

New York (Stati Uniti)


Poetic Tree
gouache on  paper,  5 x 7 inches cm, 2003


Red Tree III
gouache on  paper,  12 x 6 inches cm, 2003




Nina Kuriloff lives in New York City. She paints carefully detailed surrealistic landscapes.

She was originally inspired to paint landscapes because of the poetic beauty she found in French 19th century landscape drawings. Since then, she has been inspired to paint landscapes in response to the natural beauty she has seen in various places in New York State; Maine; New Mexico and Oregon.

Nina often photographs and/or sketches in strikingly beautiful locations. She also photographs scenes that are interesting in composition, which she later uses in her studio to start a painting.

Nina strives to communicate her appreciation of nature’s power and grandeur in her paintings. She endeavors to depict the qualities of strength and timelessness which trees and boulders possess, juxtaposed against the transient quality of clouds, rivers and streams.

Nina's long range goal is to continue to paint in accordance with her unique vision to achieve a poetic interpretation of landscape, whether the mood of her art is joyous or dark.

Curriculum vitae:


2002 Solo Exhibition, St. Francis College, Brooklyn, N.Y.
2-Person exhibition at the Conduit Gallery, Austin, Texas.
“2002 Women’s Art Show”. Juried exhibition at
CAPA Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut.
“8th Great Plains National Art Exhibition, Moss- Thorns Gallery, Fort Hays State University, Hays,Kansas.
Juried by L. Fanning-Asst. Dir. of Modern and Contemporary
Art at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
“Small Works 2002”, Nexus Gallery, New York City. Juried
by Lee Muslin, Director of Nexus Gallery.
2001 “La Petite IX”,Juried small works show, Alder Gallery,
Coburg, Oregon
Open Exhibition, Swedish American Museum, Chicago, IL.
Two Person Exhibition, Shelter Rock Art Gallery,
Manhasset, N.Y.
“24th National Exhibiton: Small Works” at Harper
College,Palatine, IL.Juried by Wendy Woon.
American Society of Contemporary Artists’,“Multiple
Visions Many Styles”, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville,
N.Y., the World Wide Web.
2000 American Society of Contemporary Artists’ 82nd Annual
Exhibition,Broome Street Gallery, N.Y., N.Y.
Juried Landscape Invitational at Canyon Road
Contemporary Art,Santa Fe, New Mexico.
2000 National Small Works Exhibition at the Schoharie
County Arts Council,Cobleskill,N.Y. Juried by Eleanor
National Competition at the Provincetown Art Association
and Museum, Provincetown, MA. Juried by exhibition
70th Annual Open Exhibition at the National Art League
Douglaston,N.Y. Juried by L. Buckley, Dir.The Queens
The Natural Eclectic Gallery, Nyack, N.Y., the World Wide Web.
Cornell Medical Center Library, New York, N.Y.
Broome Street Gallery Holiday Invitational, New York, N.Y.
1999 Broome Street Gallery Holiday Invitational, New York, N.Y.
American Society of Contemporary Artists’ 81st Annual
Exhibition,Broome Street Gallery, N.Y., N.Y.
“Spectacular Summer” exhibition at The Interchurch Center
Galleries. Juried by the National Assoc. of Women Artists.
Knickerbocker Gallery, N.Y., N.Y.
Schoharie County Arts Council’s 1999 National Small Works
Exhibition. Juried by Frances Barth.
National Association of Women Artists’ 110th Annual
Exhibiton, New World Art Center, N.Y., N.Y.
The Firehouse Gallery, Bordentown, N.J.


American Society of Contemporary Artists
New York Artist’s Equity
The Artists’ League of Brooklyn


1989 M.L.S. - Queens College
1984 Brooklyn College, graduate studio art courses
1983 Brooklyn Museum Art School
1979 Art Student’s League
1978 B.A. - Brooklyn College (Studio Art)


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 5/3/2002 : 60244

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