world artist
Athina Pazolli

Sydney (Australia)


Black in red
mixed media on  canvas,  38x29 cm,


Light on dark
mixed media on  canvas,  130x170 cm,


Pinks with blues
mixed media on  canvas,  175x130 cm,


Yellow into blue
mixed media on  canvas,  40x30 cm,




If I pick a rose and experience its beauty, I can sense an essence so vast that it opens a universe to me.

If I surround myself with foliage, the waters and sky, and experience their vastness and sublimity, I can sense their precious growth and movement in a blade of grass, in a droplet of water or in a patch of sky.

If I accept the many and opposite aspects of my nature and experience them as complementary components of my whole being, I may then sense freedom.

I paint about such general ideas and I clothe them in colours and textures that seem to me as beautiful as a rose. I embed them in forms that have a sense of becoming and growing as do the forms in Nature and I unfold and unveil spaces as if to search for underlying truths and essences. That is to say, my colours, textures, forms and spaces are not just metaphors or representations of a real world, they are a real world. A world in which non-materiality and materiality, mind and body, co-exist.

Abstraction and philosophy provide the fundamental basis for my work. I find the quality of the abstract in a blade of grass, in a droplet of water, in each breath of air. Abstraction suggests the poetic.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 10/7/2001 : 60980

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