world artist
Peadar  OSirin

Dublin ireland
Dublin9 (Irlanda)

tel. 353 86 37 594 27

Tis Hang 5
acquatinta on  alabastro, 


Tis Collage.jpg
digital art on  digital,  2008/08/02 14:23


Tis Sisty Ugglers
acquatinta on  alabastro,  10x8 cm, 2008


Tis the Last Drop
ink on  paper,  10 x7 cm, 2002


Tis Empty
ink on  paper,  7 x 10 cm, 2002




Peadar, the artist, is descended from a tribe of Celts who ventured out onto the wild North Atlantic ocean in currachs.
(see Paul Henry, "launching the curragh" , National Gallery).

Major exhibitions: "ASCA" Geneva Switzerland.

Peadar studied art/drawing at University College Dublin with Aiden Gaffney.

Peadar is in year two of a Japanese Art history course at Trinity College Dublin .

The "Tis" was born on Merrion Square in Dublin , Ireland.

The TisArt pictures are usually drawn on the sea cliff path on Howth Head overlooking Dublin Bay.

Each one is dated and timed when drawn.

The "Tis" got its name when people asked "Is it a cat? , a mouse?, a bunny?, a rat?. One lady said "Oh look my chiwawas"! and a Chinaman thought they were foxes.
Each time I answered, "Yes 'TIS", so they became known as "TisArt".
If you wish to buy a 'TisArt' picture please
Email me :
Posted/packed flat ready for framing.

Curriculum vitae:

"ASCA" Geneva Switzerland.

Exhibition every Sunday at Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland.
10:00am till 6:0pm

Sandymount Art Exhibition (blooms day 16June each year)

Central Remedial Clinic Art Exhibition in Clontarf.

All year round in Michael oDouda pub North Dingle penninsula Co Kerry

Blooms NYC

Member of "Artists Association of Ireland" AAI

www TisArt com

Google World and Google maps
Search for TisArt


Ultimo aggiornamento: domenica 17 Maggio 2009
Visitatori dal 3/4/2002 : 61061

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