world artist
Roger Cummiskey

14 Lindenvale, Blackrock
Dublin (Irlanda)

tel. ++353 1 2832253

Joyce and Nora in Zurich
watercolor on  paper,  50x40 cm, 2001


Molly in Gibraltar
watercolor on  paper,  50x40 cm, 2002


The Singer
watercolor on  paper,  41x30 cm, 2001


Waiting for Godot
watercolor on  paper,  76x56 cm, 2001




I specialize in watercolour paintings, which take their themes and titles from the wanderings and writings of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett and other Literary personalities. This has come from a lifelong interest in attempting to interpret in paintings what Joyce et al. so eloquently wrote about our native city, Dublin. I call my collection “A Stroll Thro’ Ulysses.”

Next solo exhibitions

A Stroll Thro' Ulysses

May 8th to 30th, 2003 Monaghan County Museum, Ireland

June 4th to 27th, 2003 Bank of Ireland Arts Centre, Foster Place, Dublin 2

Airfield House, Dundrum, Co Dublin dates to be arranged

Boyle Arts Festival group exhibition July 2003.

Florence Biennialle December 2003

Curriculum vitae:

Art CV

To celebrate the new Millennium a selection of new paintings has been
developed by Roger Cummiskey giving art enthusiasts and collectors alike an opportunity to purchase a part of this glowing history.

Dublin Artist Roger Cummiskey exhibited at the United Nations Building in New York in July and August 2000 after representing Ireland in "Our World in the Year 2000" as a result of a World-wide Millennium Art Competition organised by Winsor & Newton.

Roger, from Blackrock, County Dublin, in Ireland, was selected to represent Ireland in the prestigious Millennium event.

His painting of the River Slaney, one of the fourteen "River Gods" or "Heads of theRiver" which feature on Dublin's Custom House, was on exhibition at London's Mall Galleries in aid of the Princes' Foundation during February 2000.

This painting was also part of a touring exhibition, which was on show at The World Trade Centre, Stockholm, Sweden in March 2000.

Roger travelled to New York in July 2000 where his painting represented
Ireland at the exhibition in the United Nations Building, in aid of UNICEF.

More than 22,000 amateur and professional artists across the globe submitted paintings to this competition. 51 countries took part and five winners were chosen to represent their country at the international judging. The overall winning painting was by Ramon Piaguaje, a Socoya Indian from the Rainforest in Equador.

Roger is a full time painter and Member of The Artists Association of Ireland. He is primarily a watercolourist but also paints in Oil and Acrylic.

Roger's involvement in the Arts spans a lifetime and has included Board
membership of Eucrea Ireland Ltd, the European Communities' efforts to
include participation in the arts by and with people with disabilities.

He was also involved for many years with Very Special Arts Ireland and
Europe. VSA is the charity founded by former US Ambassador to Ireland, Jean Kennedy-Smith, in 1975, and now has a presence in over 50 countries around the World.

"The River Slaney" was chosen to represent Ireland after his exhibition
"Some Greek Some Romans" which was his interpretation of the River Gods of Ireland commissioned in 1780 by James Gandon for the Custom House in Dublin.

Roger is a keen Joycean. His most recent exhibition "A Stroll Thro'
Ulysses" was held at the Bank of Ireland Arts Centre in Dublin and consisted of over 50 watercolour paintings depicting his interpretation of the writings and wanderings of James Joyce.

Senator David Norris performed the official opening and Seamus Heaney, the Nobel Prize winning Poet, was a distinguished visitor.

"I take inspiration not only from Ulysses but also Finnegans Wake, A
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Dubliners and the many poems written by Joyce."

The most recent series of paintings, which Roger has produced, is based on the booklet "Pomes Penyeach" by James Joyce and contains each of the 14 poems written by James Joyce from 1904 in Dublin through Trieste, Zurich and Paris up to 1932. These may be commissioned directly from the Artist.

Digital Photos of much of Roger's work is available if they do not appear on the WWW. Please ask.

(156 East 2nd Street, Suite # 14, New York 10009, USA. Phone 00212 353 8155 )

(14 Lindenvale, Blackrock, Co Dublin, Ireland. Phone: + 353 1 2832253)

(Edif Piragua #7C, Calle San Valentin, Mijas Costa, 29649, Malaga,Spain.
Phone ++ 34 952 592 652)

Studio phone Visit privately by appointment.

Get the International code from wherever you are and then dial
353 1 283 2253.

If I am not able to answer you immediately then leave me your name and
number, where you are phoning from and even an email address and I'll get
back to you fairly swiftly.

Urgent, very urgent! Then try my mobile at ++ 353 87 222 5241.

Current Projects

A Stroll Thro' Ulysses. This project is ongoing.

Some Greeks Some Romans. Always lurking in the background.

Submissions to various competitions

Pomes Penyeach. Available, ask for details. This is a series of 14 original paintings of the poems, based on the book of the same name.

Beckett paintings based on the plays by Samuel Beckett.

Exhibitions 2001 included:

Airfield Trust , Dublin, Ireland
Malahide, Dublin, Ireland
Marbella, Spain
Merrion Sq, Dublin, Ireland
St Stephen’s Green, Dublin, Ireland
Conradh na Gaelge, Dublin, Ireland
Slovenia Christmas Exhibition, Slovenia

Paintings feature in the Annual edition of Irish Interiors Magazine 2001.

Second prize, landscape section, World of Watercolor, December 2001 for “Play”, my interpretation of the Samuel Beckett play of the same name.

Drop me a note!


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 7 Marzo 2006
Visitatori dal 13/2/2002 : 61095

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