world artist
Martin  Bush

Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire
chepstow (Gran Bretagna)

tel. +44(0) 7703 231150

acrilic on  board,  100cm x122cm cm, 2000


acrilic on  board,  100cm x 122cm cm, 2002


Sunshine dream
acrilic on  board,  76cm x 122cm cm, 2002


Fluid Dream
oil on  canvas,  60x90 cm, 1999




Martin Bush BA( Hons) Art & Design
Martin Bush arrived on this earth in 1964.
Graduating with a BA (Hons) in Art & Design
This was the catalyst for the future as he sped off in several directions finding the path to art and his diesire to paint.
Travelling was to bring the aray of colour and depth that was expressing his ideas of the world.
He has worked in the commercial market with mural work and other kinds of public stimuli, and has discovered that the two combine well with marketing skills along side his painting.
He exhibits with galleries as well as selling direct to the Office/ restaurant market.
Some work is purely abstract and colour lending the work to pursue its own identity with the space . Some is particular to the space and is used as information to the viewer.
All colour texture and original, his work is there to create presence as well as work in balance with the world around. Most pieces resembling this world or beyond and provokes the viewer to question there existence on this earth and the smallness of our own existance.

Curriculum vitae:

Solo Exhibition
The Gallery, Usk, UK, 11/2001 & Nov 2002

FRESH ART 2002 LONDON Business Design Centre

ATRAVIA Cearleon Wales March 2003

NOW Showing in new art studio-gallery Tintern Wales


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 19 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 31/1/2002 : 60993

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