world artist
Avra Delehas

22, Thermopilon str.
Kifissia (Grecia)


Bolivian Girl
pastel on  paper,  35 X 45 cm, 2000


Light through the trees
acrilic on  canvas,  60 X 80 cm, 1998


Oil Still Life with Fruits and pottery
oil on  canvas,  80 X 60 cm, 2000


Young Ladie's Portrait
pastel on  paper,  35 X 45 cm, 2000




Born and raised in Athens, Greece.. Mother of three kids and a lawyer's wife

Curriculum vitae:

Studied Fashion designing but for over 15 years I'm devoted to classical painting experimenting in all media. I mostly deal with commissioned portraits from photos, but I also paint a lot of landscapes, still lifes and other inspirational compositions. Any medium is my favorite as long as I can take it to its limits and bring out the best of it..

I held numerous solo and group exhibitions and "open studio" events in Greece and abroad (USA and EGYPT. In 1889 I was honored with the Certificate of Merit for Excellent Achievement in Painting by the Artitudes Foundation Soho NYC.I also worked for years as an illustrator in big advertising agencies in Greece.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 19/11/2001 : 60918

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