world artist
Christa Toole

254 east 7th st 2, NY, NY 10009
New York (Stati Uniti)


2 Percent
oil on  canvas,  9" x 12" cm, 2002


Dark Forest
oil on  canvas,  36 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  9" x 12" cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  18 x 24 cm, 2002




Ms. Toole plays with transformations, juxtapositions, and mood in her work. She often incorporates figurative elements presenting everyday objects in unexpected ways. Common objects are enlarged and abstracted forcing the viewer to reexamine and reevaluate their significance or meaning. The relationship between the original purpose of the object and the resulting image suggests larger implications to humanity. The process of building and manipulating materials is vital to her work. Each piece begins with an idea or expression that is then built upon and transformed into the final image. Through the art making process, the artwork evolves; the final piece is a discovery. She uses oil paint, metal, plastic, wax among other materials. Formal elements are important; form and line infuse depth into the paintings. Expressive brushwork, layers of paint and carefully chosen color give the work great emotive power to build a powerful final product.

Curriculum vitae:


Ignite: Antagonists Gallery, 112 Avenue A, New York, NY.
Hawks and Doves: Antagonists Gallery, 112 Avenue A, New York, NY.

September Show: Gallerythe, 343 Smith St., Brooklyn, NY.
Wish You Were Here: A.I.R. Gallery, 40 Wooster St., New York, NY. Artists included Jenny Holzer.
Generations III: A.I.R. Gallery, 40 Wooster St., New York, NY.
Reactions: Exit Art, 548 Broadway, New York, NY.
Body in Motion, Bedlam in Mind: Galapagos, North 6th St. Brooklyn, NY

Jump Arts: Brecht Forum, 122 W 27th, New York, NY.
Pulcheria Arte: Palazzo Gotico, Piacenza, Italy.
Tributary: A.I.R. Gallery, 40 Wooster St., New York, NY.

Pulcheria Arte: Palazzo Gotico, Piacenza, Italy.

Salon 2: Surface to Air, 15 East 17th Street, New York, NY.
Salon 1: Surface to Air, 15 East 17th Street, New York, NY.

Misanthropes: 145 Broadway, New York, NY. Artists included Papo Colo.
Fish-heads: Max Fish, 178 Ludlow, New York, NY. Artists included Kiki Smith.


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 26 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 10/7/2001 : 61414

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