world artist
Scarlett Decker

P. O. Box 61
85631, San Manuel, AZ (Stati Uniti)


oil on  canvas,  56 cm, 1999


The Voyage Out
oil on  canvas,  72x60 cm, 1999


Virginia Woolf: Upon Final Examination
oil on  canvas,  72 cm, 1999


oil on  canvas,  48 cm, 2000




1991 – 1993 Vermont College Montpelier, VT
MFA (Master of Fine Art) in Visual Art

1989 - 1991 University of Arizona Tucson,
BFA (Bachelor of Fine Art) Studio Art

Curriculum vitae:

Solo exhibitions
1999 – Central Arizona College – Winkleman, AZ
1997 – One Exchange Plaza Building (2 person show)- Perth, Australia
1995 – ARC Gallery “Protective Coverings” – Chicago, IL
G.A.S.P. Gallery “Fairy Tales and Dreamscapes” - Tucson, AZ
Phoenix Center Visual Arts Gallery “In Tandem” – Phoenix, AZ
1994 – Dinnerware Gallery (2 person show) – Tucson, AZ
1993 – Barn Gallery – Rancho Linda Vista – Oracle, AZ
1991 – Galleria Mesa – Mesa, AZ
1989 – Valley National Bank – San Manuel, AZ

Selected group exhibitions
2000 - "Tucson International Airport" The Gallery, Tucson, AZ
"Gammage Gallery" ASU, Tempe, AZ
"7-Seas" Toronto - Ontario, Canada
"Rancho Linda Vista Invitational" -Barn Gallery-Oracle,AZ
"Art Beyond Borders" Ursulinenhof Gallery - Linz, Austria
"Art Beyond Borders" Grillparzerhoff Gallery - Linz, Austria
"Dinnerware Alumni Invitational" Dinnerware Gallery, Tucson, AZ
"Art From the Heart" - Scottsdale, AZ 1999 – Columbia College – Chicago, IL
1998 – “Art From the Heart” – Scottsdale, AZ
Columbia College – Chicago, IL
1997 – “Celebrating Women in the Arts” – WCA Gallery – NYC
1997 - “Landscapes: Real and Imagined” – Union Gallery-Tucson
“Art From the Heart” – Scottsdale, AZ
1996 – “Family Values: Rhetoric vs. Reality” – Wood Gallery Montpelier,VT
“Predator and Prey” – Local 803 Gallery – Tucson, AZ
1995 – Arizona Women's Caucus for Art – Café Magritte - Tucson,
Dinnerware Group Exhibition – La Mariposa – Tucson, AZ
Global Focus Art Exhibit (World Conference on Women) Beijing, China
"Humor in Art" – Westbeth Gallery – NYC
AZ Women's Caucus for Art – GASP Gallery – Tucson, AZ
Dinnerware Group Exhibition – Tucson Int'l. Airport –
"North Meets South at Oracle" – Barn Gallery – Oracle, AZ
AZ Women's Caucus for Art – APS Bldg. – Phoenix, AZ
1994 - 3-person show – Dinnerware Gallery – Tucson, AZ
"New Members Show" – Central Arts Collective –Tucson,
"The American Dream" (Juried) – Central Arts Collective –
4-person show – Dinnerware Gallery – Tucson, AZ
1993 - "Mystery & Fear" – Planet Gallery – Phoenix, AZ
"The Nude: Return to the Source" – Westbeth Gallery,NYC
Alumni Invitational Group Show – University of Arizona –
1992 - Alumni Invitational Group Show – University of Arizona –
1991 - Scholarship recipient exhibitor – Galleria Mesa – Mesa, AZ
"Home Grown" – University of Arizona – Tucson, AZ


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 23 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 11/2/2000 : 61163

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