world artist
Marie Saquing

851 81st Avenue, Studio 226 Oakland, CA 94621, USA
Oakland, CA (Stati Uniti)


oil on  canvas,  61 x 76 cm, 1998


shut up and smoke
oil on  canvas,  122 x 152 cm, 1997


oil on  canvas,  61 x 76 cm, 1998




A native of the Philippines, Marie J. Saquing received her B.F.A. in Fine Art Painting at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. Her works have shown in and around San Francisco since 1991. She is featured artist at First Crush, a wine bar and restaurant that celebrates California wines near the downtown San Francisco theater district,, an on-line Film/Video/Music Promotion and Production Company, in a poem by Eileen Tabios about Marie and her Nudity Series as opening act for “Clit Chat”, a valentine’s day weekend 2002 show at Bindlestiff Studio launching Eros Pinoy: An Anthology of Contemporary Erotica in Philippine Art and Poetry and in UC Berkeley’s Maganda Magazine’s 15th issue due to come out in May. She is also available for commissions and special projects.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 10/7/2001 : 60476

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