world artist
Gudrun Weerasinghe

Essen (Germania)

tel. +49 (0)201 710706

Animal's spirit
watercolor on  paper,  50x70 cm,


Green gnome and volcano
watercolor on  paper,  20x30 cm,


Panet's love
watercolor on  paper,  50x70 cm,


Stairs to heaeven
watercolor on  paper,  50x70 cm,





German artist Gudrun Weerasinghe graduated in visual art and design at the university of Essen (bachelor of arts and design).

Various study tours through all continents followed by, which influenced and inspired the artist and her special way of painting. For a long time she lived in Liberia and in Sri Lanka. In the coming years Gudrun Weerasinghe developed the style and the term of “ARTHEALING”, which she also calls “Applied, Ethical Design of Consciousness” (subject of copyright). The style ARTHEALING articulates the dialectical comprehension of her art: healing through art and healing of art, thus somehow reflecting her critical attitude towards certain tendencies of contemporary art (You get more informations about ARTHEALING under the button "Press Releases").

Since 1983 she has regular solo and group shows as a painter and creator of artistic videoclips in Germany and in abroad especially in the former Yoguslawia, in Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, in Colorado, California, Canada, China and in New York (USA). Various press releases in newspapers, magazines, two title covers of artmagazines and articles in five artbooks got published (please see pressreleases). In the year 2000 she received a Gold Medal in Montreal.

Recent exhibitions :

1999 / 2000:
Piacenza, Chiesa di San Fermo, Italy
Schloss Borbeck, Essen, Germany
Agora Gallery, New York, Soho, Broadway,
Galleria Pino Pascali, Conversano / Bari, Italy
Castellana Grotte, Bari, Italy
Conversano “Chiostro of San Benedetto”, Italy
Gioia del Colle Castle, Bari, Italy
Festival of Art on Paper , Kranj, Slovenia
Grillparzerhof, Linz, Austria
Festival »Salon des Beaux Arts » Montreal, Canada,
“The Great Wall Exhibition”, Peking, China,
“I giorni di Pulcheria” Piacenza, International Show, Italy
Gallery “Art System”, Toronto - Spadina, Canada
Gallery “Augentrost”, Düsseldorf, Germany
“Pixxelpoint”, International Computer Art, City Gallery, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Karmel Convent, Drachten, Netherlands
Municipal - Gallery 'Kulturhuset' in Joenkoeping, Sweden
Lankershim Arts Center, North Hollywood, California

Coming shows in 2001:
Castle Stolberg, Stolberg, Germany
EurART 2001, Concorso Internazionale Arte Digitale, Milano, Italy
Salon d`automne des Beaux Arts de Montreal, Canada
Biennale of Florence, Italy
Pulcheria Arte 2001, Piacenza, Italy

Curriculum vitae:

Various press releases in newspapers, magazines and two title covers of artmagazines got published. The following books report about Gudrun Weerasinghe`s Arthealing:

1.Meister bildender Künste, (Master of Educating Arts), Artvolume 4, Artefactum Publishing House, Nürnberg
2.Panorama der Bildenden Kunst, Stadt Essen, Kulturbüro
(Panorama of Educating Arts, City of Essen)

3.The Millenium Art Collection – 2000 Reasons to love the earth, Artvolume, Publisher: De Bookmakers,
4.Allgemeines Lexikon der Kunstschaffenden, Volume 5, Publisher: FIBK, Nürnberg, 1999 (General Lexicon of Artcreators)
5. Spirituelle Ttierkommunikation, spiritual animal communication, Silberschnur Publishing House, Germany, author: Gudrun Weerasinghe

1. "The Great Wall Exhibition 2000", Publishing House: ADD - 142 Small Building Xi Wai Street, West District Beijing, China
2. Offprint of the arthistorical volume, Master of visual arts,
Artefactum Publishing House Nürnberg, Germany, 2001


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 1/9/2000 : 61091

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