world artist
Cecilia Alonso

Bellavista 576 Miraflores
Lima (Perù)

tel. (511) 444-5249

oil on  canvas,  110x140 cm, 2000


Cerro azul
oil on  canvas,  150x120 cm, 2000


mixed media on  canvas,  110x110 cm, 2000


oil on  canvas,  150x120 cm, 2000




I am a painter that experiments with all types of materials and use in my
paintings the most diverse techniques that I have studied throughout the
years in different parts of the world. Techniques such as Fresco Painting,
oil, acrylic, amongst others. I could not define my painting by
themes or style due to the fact that in them I have portrayed different
moments in time.

On the other hand 15 years ago I started also Decorative Painting,
specializing in refined murals, and all class of designs over any kind of
surface. Creating by changing wood for metal, metal for wood and cement for
marble, adding columns and frames were there were non, frames were there are
no paintings and landscapes so realistic they escape the depth of our sight
but yet we can touch by extending our hand. It is a true “Eye Cheater”
(Trompe Lóeil), technique used thousands of years ago on the murals of
Pompeii, in Michelangelo´s Sistine Chapel frescos and in Villa Barboso by
Pablo Cailiari, also known as El Veronés.

Curriculum vitae:

Cecilia Alonso Ferrer
Bellavista 576 Miraflores, Lima Perú.
Telefax: (511) 4445249


2000 “Il Laboratorio per Afresco di Vainella”. Prato – Italia
Fresco painting, conservation of frescos.
1992- 93 Institute Superior de Painter de Brussels “Van der. Kelen y Logelain” (Trompe L’oeil)
1987 The Finishing School – Long Island New York U.S.A.
1985 – 86 Art Students League of New York, NYC U.S.A.
Painting, Printing, Drawing
1980 – 85 University of Art ,Perú
Painting and Printing
1978 – 82 Work Shop Cristina Galvez, Lima, Perú.
Drawing and Sculpture
1978 – 79 Work Shop Miguel Gallo, Lima, Perú.
Drawing and Painting
1975 – 78 Museum of Art, Lima, Perú.

1993 Silver Medal. Institute Superior de Painter “Van der. Kelen y Logelain”. Brussels, Bélgica.
1984 Mention of Honor. XIX Salón Binacional de Grabado, “North American Institute”. Lima, Perú.

Work Experience:

Group Ensayo, “La Salsa Roja”, Teatro Arlequín. Lima, Perú.
“América y el Hombre Dignos Sean”, Teatro Municipal. Lima, Perú.
Group Ensayo, “El día que me Quieras”, Teatro Arlequín. Lima, Perú.
La Novicia Rebelde, Lima, Perú. Teatro Japonés.

Decorative Painter of mural work
2001 a 1993
.Restaurant la Huaca,Huaca Pucllana.Lima, Perú.
.Mangos Café,.Lima , Perú.
Decorators Show House 1999. Lima, Perú.
Municipalidad de Lima, Salón Dorado y Despacho del Alcalde. Lima, Perú.
Hotel Miraflores Park Plaza. Lima, Perú.
Casino Hotel María Angola. Lima, Perú.
Casino Hotel los Delfines. Lima, Perú.
Casino Alambra. Lima, Perú.
Restaurant Bohemia, Miraflores, Lima, Perú.
Restaurant Bohemia, El Polo, Lima, Perú.
Restaurant Bohemia, Passage los Escribanos, Lima, Perú.
Discoteca Zoe, Lima, Perú.
Centro Club Empresarial, San Isidro, Lima, Perú.
Decorators show House 1996. Lima, Perú.
Bank Wiese, San Isidro, Lima, Perú.
Projects en diverse Residences, Lima, Perú.

Decorators Show House. Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A.
Residence Private family Cisneros. Caracas, Venezuela.

1990 a 1989
Finto Marmo Inc. New York, U.S.A.
EON Arts. New York U.S.A.
Decorators Show House Huntsville Alabama, U.S.A.
Saint John the Divine. New York, U.S.A

1989 a 1985
Martin & Ullman ancient Textile Gallery. New York, U.S.A.
Fine Arts Decorating Inc. New York, U.S.A.
Andrew Kolb & Son The House of Painting. New York, U.S.A

2000 “Gallery Unife”. Lima, Perú
1996 “Gallery Unife”. Lima, Perú
1993 “Gallery Corriente Alterna”. Lima, Perú

2001 “XIV Canto a la vida”. UNY. de San Marcos,Museum of Art. Lima,Peru.
2000 “Virgins”. Casona de San Marcos. Lima, Perú.
“Colectivisima”. Gallery Wu Editions. Lima, Perú.
1999 “Ritos” Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma. Lima, Perú.
“Retratos” Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma. Lima, Perú.
“Art Functional” Gallery Bohemia. Lima, Perú.
“Elvis” GalleryArt. Zoe. Lima, Perú.
1998 “Mascaras” Museum of Art. Lima, Perú.
Cancer Institute, subasta. Lima, Perú.
1994 Institute Cultural Peruano Japanese. Lima, Perú.
1985 XX Salon National de printing, ICPNA. Lima, Perú.
“Art Actual” Feria del Hogar. Lima, Perú.
1984 “Otro sí Digo” Italian Museum of Art. Lima, Perú.
“Felines” Gallery Warike. Lima, Perú.
“Móviles y Quitasueños” Gallery Warike. Lima, Perú.
“Encantamiento y Magic” Gallery Warike. Lima, Perú.
“young Art of Perú” Industrial Bank of Perú. Lima, Tacna, Arequipa,
1983 “Mini format” Ogam. Lima, Perú.
“Peruvian Young Painters” Plaza Camacho. Lima Perú.
“Art Actual” Feria International of Pacific. Lima, Perú.
1981 “Marionetas y Bocetos” Gallery la Araña. Lima, Perú.

2000 “Diary El Peruano”. Lima, Perú.
1999 “Diary El Comerica”. Lima, Perú.
“Magazine Rumbos”. Lima, Perú.
1997 “Magazine Cosas”. Lima, Perú.
“Magazine Caretas”. Lima, Perú.
1995 “Magazine Linda”. Lima, Perú.
1994 “Imaginary of Art”. Lima Perú.
1995 “Diary Gestión”. Lima, Perú.
1992 “The Huntsville Times”. Alabama, U.S.A.


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 18 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 23/7/2001 : 61057

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