world artist
Louis E. Hutchins

5036 N. Kenmore 3B,
Chicago, IL 60640 (Stati Uniti)

tel. 773-769-5815

Draped 1
pencil on  paper,  18 cm, 2001


Hot Pursuit
mixed media on  paper,  20 cm, 2001


Jack Hammer
mixed media on  board,  16 cm, 2000


Raising In The Sunset
oil on  canvas,  22 cm, 2001




I am a Chicago native, born July 1. I'm considered as a child prodigy.
I was able to draw before I was able to wirte my name. The first drawing which
I ever produce was tracing over a cartoon character. Later at age five, I was
drawing cartoons without tracing.

I been involve with art all through grade school, high school and college.
To me, school only enhanced on a God-given talent which I possess. I also
hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Visual Communications from the Illinois
Institute of Art - Chicago. My work has been displayed in numerous local
group art exhibits, street fairs; as well as doing one man exhibits and
the internet. Along with being a Fine Artist, I'm also a Graphic Designer.

Along with being involve with local exhibits and street fairs, I'm also a member
of a Chicago-based workshop entitled, "Art of the T-Shirt". This workshops
allows artists from all walks of life to showcase their artwork on T-Shirts
and Silk Screens.

In adddition to entering numerous exhibits, I hold a few awards to my credit.
The awards which I've won were: Second Place;(Sculpture), Honorable Mention;
(Watercolor), and Honorable Mention(Figure Painting).

Overall, the main aspect to me about being an artist is my passion to express
myself to the world with a God-given talent. As long as people like what I
paint and draw, I will continue on pursuing with this talent until I die.

Louis *"Lou-E.H." Hutchins

*Lou-E.H. pronounced as Louie H.

Curriculum vitae:

As far as my Art is concern, I consider myself as being versatile as far
as subject matter. My subjects include: Figurative(clothed and unclothed),
Landscapes, Still Life, Illustrations, Fantasy Art, T-Shirt, and Adult Pin-Up.

As far as media is concern, I use anything which is in reaching distance.
Whether if it's watercolor, pastels, oils, acrylics, inks, airbrush,
paintbrush, pencils, colored pencils, etc. I tried to be as all around as

My favorite subject which I show diversity is the human figure. I like to
display a variety of people within my paintings; regardless of race, age, color,
sex, sexual orientation, etc. Although I tend to be versatile with displaying
a variety of races within my paintings and drawings, I never forget where I come
from, nor who I am.

My overall theory about my artwork is that I am soulful artist. If I don't see it
with my physical or mental eyes, feel it within my soul... it won't appear on the
canvas, illustration board, or paper.



Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 23 Ottobre 2003
Visitatori dal 13/7/2001 : 61549

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