world artist
Roberta Allen

1216 East 48th Street
Chicago (Stati Uniti)

tel. 773-624-4583
web: www.robertareballen.womanmade.

Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 





Over the past six years I have been working on a series of small
watercolors of a child at play. In creating this series I was interested in three things. First was to convey the exuberance and sense of freedom which children find in play. As part of recreating these feelings from my own childhood experiences, I also wanted to express the unique physical sensations which each different type of play produces.

Secondly, I was challenged by the idea of producing the works from a child's artistic perspective. I have tried to capture the loose style, expressive brush work and imaginative use of minimal detail and bright colors typical of children's art.

Finally, I wanted to produce strong images of a young, active girl as a counterweight to the images of passive females found in so many fine art and popular images. I vividly recall sitting down to read my daughter a popular children's book which illustrates words only to find that all the active words like "jump" and "throw" were portrayed by male figures and the words associated with sedentary activities were all depicted by female figures. There is still a conscious need to present a more balanced and realistic picture of growing up female.

In addition to this series, like most artists, I also work in other media
and other themes. I have a series of quilted and embroidered male nudes, which strike a delicate balance between sensuousness and humor. In these works a humble, practical, traditionally female occupation confronts a "fine art," traditionally male subject: the nude. I also make natural assemblages of trees, waterfalls, fallen leaves, etc. from acrylic dyed, unprimed canvas. Finally, returning to watercolor again, I focus on the brilliant colors and alluring shapes of vegetables.

Curriculum vitae:

EXHIBITIONS (last five years):

2001: Solo show, Child at Play series, Uptown Public Library,
Chicago, Illinois
Solo show, new work in Child at Play series, Cook Energy Center,
Bridgman, Michigan

2000: Solo show, Child at Play series, Cook Energy Center,
Bridgman, Michigan
24th Annual Alice & Arthur Baer Art Competition and Exhibition,
Beverly Art Center, Chicago, Illinois
Cross Currents: 14th Annual Juried Art Exhibit, John G. Blank
Center for the Arts, Michigan City, Indiana
The 11th Annual Art and Social Justice Exhibition, Colfax
Cultural Center, South Bend, Indiana
Urban Edges IV, Barrington Area Arts Council, Barrington,

1999: Explicit, Kougeas Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts
2nd Annual Chicago Art Open, Chicago, Illinois
Stills in Life, The Appleton Art Center, Appleton, Wisconsin
un/Acceptable, LUMP Gallery, Raleigh, North Carolina
A Celebration of the Earth, The Blue Moon Studio and Art
Gallery, Skokie, Illinois
The Nude'99, Lexington Art League, Lexington, Kentucky

1998: Urban Edges II, Barrinton Area Arts Council, Barrington,
It's My Doll and I Do What I Want To, Woman Made Gallery,
Chicago, Illinois
Nude/Naked, Union Street Gallery, Chicago Heights, Illinois
The Figure Revisited, Galeria Mesa, Mesa Arts Center,
Mesa, Arizona
Juried visual arts exhibition, Three Rivers Arts Festival,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Silent Victims, Illinois State Capitol Building, Springfield,
sponsored by the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic
Janina Started All of This, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago,

1997: Myth America, Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts,
Grand Rapids, Michigan
4th Annual ARC Regional, ARC Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
Still Life: Seeing the Uncommon Within the Common, Woman Made
Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
10th Annual Women's Works, Northwest Area Arts Council,
Woodstock, Illinois
Children in the World: Exploring the Rights of the Child,
SXU Gallery, St. Xavier University, Chicago, Illinois
Reversing the Gaze: Women Looking at the Male Nude,
The Northwest Gallery, Indiana University Northwest,
Gary, Indiana


Vice-President, Board of Directors, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Artists' Coalition


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 18 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 23/7/2001 : 61998

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