world artist
Mirta Toledo

Austin (Stati Uniti)


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 


Senza titolo
mixed media on  canvas, 




Mirta Toledo is a native of Argentina who moved to the United States in 1988. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in painting and sculpture from Prilidiano Pueyrredon University of Fine Arts, in Buenos Aires. She has exhibited her artwork in Argentina, Brazil,Hawaii and the United States of America. She has won 21 awards for her drawings and sculptures in her native country.

Toledo has authored the following books: "Dulce de Leche", Torremozas, Spain, 1996; "La Semilla Elemental", Vinciguerra, Argentina, 1993. Her short stories were published in literary magazines from the U.S.A, Argentina, Spain, Canada and Brazil. Two of her short stories were included in "Cruel Fictions, Cruel Realities. Short Stories by Latin American Writers", Latin American Literary Review Press, Pennsylvania, 1997.

In 1996, her short story "A Century After" was finalist in the VIII "Ana Maria Matute Award" in Literature, Spain. In 1997 she was recognized as Outstanding Hispanic Woman in the Arts and was honored with the Estrella Award by the Hispanic Women's Network of Texas, Fort Worth Chapter.

Since 1993 she has lectured about celebrating the diversity of beliefs,
languages, traditions, races and lifestyles, the greatest treasure of Humankind in facing the future. The conferences were called "Pure Diversity, A Quest For Identity", and they took place at the University of North Carolina, University of Maryland, Barnard College in New York,
Texas Woman's University (all in the USA), and Osaka University of Education in Osaka, Japan; among others.

She also has secured the covers for several books and magazines. Some of them are the following: "Calling all Heroes" for Plover Press, Hawaii,
"Creole Presence in The Caribbean and Latin America" for Iberoamerica, Spain; "The Americas Review" for the University of Houston, "The Translation Review" for the University of Texas in Dallas.

From 1994-1998 she was the juror for the National PTA Reflections Program in Literature for the Fort Worth Independent School District Linguafest; for "Nuestra Herencia Art Competition" hold by the Mexican-American Educational Advisory Committee; and for the "Main Street Fort Worth Arts Festival."

From 1994-1995 she was co-editor of Grafemas, a publication of the Asociacion de Literatura Femenina Hispanica at Davidson College, North
Carolina. From 1995-1996 she was a reporter for the Fort Worth Star Telegram Newspaper. Since the year 2000 through today, she is the Curator for La Peña Latino Arts Organization in Austin, Texas, USA.


Ultimo aggiornamento: venerdì 11 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 23/1/2002 : 61082

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