world artist
Rachel Simmons

3218 E. Crystal Lake Ave. Orlando, FL 32806
Orlando (Stati Uniti)

tel. 407-646-2397

Symbiosis 3
mixed media on  paper,  38" x 64" cm, 2002


Red Spore
ink on  paper,  2000


mixed media on  canvas,  2000


Meta Husk
ink on  paper,  1999




Rachel Simmons was born in Escondido, California, but moved with her family to Florida at the age of 5. She grew up in Port Tampa, the only daughter in a family of four sons. Rachel graduated from Rollins College in Winter Park, FL in 1997 with a bachelor's degree in Studio Art. She moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where she completed her Masters in Fine Art at Louisiana State University in 1999. Rachel now teaches printmaking, painting, and drawing as an assistant professor of art at Rollins College and has been actively involved with community service projects in her courses. Her first solo show, "Subsurfaces: New Paintings," was held at Orlando City Hall in the spring of 2000. She has recently returned from an artists residency program in Miramonte, California. You can see her most recent work from this summer at

About My Work/ Statement by Rachel Simmons
I draw and paint from a growing collection of seed pods, eroded stones, rocks, and abandoned animal husks. These found organic objects undergo a transformation during a process of drawing, redrawing, and painting which lends them a new identity. Sometimes they become iconic, while other times they serve as shadowy components in a composition of suspended color and form.
When I make an image, I focus on form, color and space. I situate my chosen objects in an environment of intense heat or cold, with layers of shallow space between the object and the viewer. I am attracted to these found objects because of their interesting form, or because they fit into a larger pattern in nature. I have found that all objects, human-made and natural, seem to adhere to an innate structure or pattern that has evolved as consequence to their design. The regular and irregular hexagonal patterns found in my pieces reflect this fascination with natural and human-made structure, and how --incredibly so-- many similarities emerge between the two.

My work is a way for me to express my innately human connection to the structures and forms of the natural world using various techniques and materials. Whether I have a copper plate, a stretched canvas, or charcoal and paper in front of me, the image emerges as a comment on my place in this world of organic and human-made structures. Working in a variety of media keeps the imagery fresh for me, and allows me to find new facets in the same motif. I enjoy working within and outside of the boundaries of printmaking, painting, and drawing, Each discipline offers me so many possibilities for image-making through process and the constant discovery of new techniques.

Curriculum vitae:


1999 M.F.A., Painting and Drawing, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA
1997 B.A., Studio Art, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL

2001-Present Assistant Professor of Studio Art, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL
Courses specialize in intaglio, relief, and lithographic printmaking, painting, drawing, and book arts.

2003 Rachel Simmons, Polk County Community College, Winter Haven, FL
2000 Subsurfaces: New Paintings by Rachel Simmons, Mayor's Gallery, Orlando City Hall, Orlando, FL
1999 Regeneration/Metamorphosis, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Foster Gallery, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

2002 Fred Wells National Juried Exhibition, Elder Gallery, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE
2002 La Grange National XXII Biennial Competition, Chattahoochee
Valley Art Museum, La Grange, GA
2001 Pulcheria Arte, Associazione Culturale 218ac, Palazzo St. Pietro, Piacenza, Italy
2001 Exhibition of Faculty Artists from Florida Private Colleges
and Universities, Melvin Gallery, Florida Southern College,
Lakeland, FL
2000 Fourth National Juried Exhibition, Ceres Gallery, New York,
1998 The Opening, Oculus Gallery, Baton Rouge, LA
1998 The 9th Exhibition of Louisiana Women Artists, Louisiana State Archives, Baton Rouge, LA
1997 Works on Paper: Recent Drawings, Prints, and Photographs,
Union Art Gallery, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,

2004 LSU Alumni Show, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA
2002 Rollins’ Own, Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Winter Park, FL
2001 The Square Show, Ceres Gallery, NY, NY
2001 Pulcheria Artists on Babele Arte, Virtual Gallery by
Associazione Culturale 218,
2001 Summer Showcase, Limner Gallery, NY, NY
2001 6th Annual Small Works Invitational, Valencia Community
College, East Campus Gallery, Orlando, FL
1999 Batter-Whipped, Baton Rouge Arts Council Phantom Gallery,
Baton Rouge, LA
1999 Artists and Writers in Collaboration, Foster Gallery,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
1999 Canvas and Steel, Oculus Gallery, Baton Rouge, LA
1999 The Next Wave, Clark Hall Gallery, Southeastern Louisiana
University, Hammond, LA
1998 Women of Florida Printmakers, Ybor Campus Art Gallery,
Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL

2000-Present John Wolfe Contemporary Art, 37 Rich Ave., Deland, FL 32507
1999 Oculus Gallery, 421 3rd St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802

2001 Instructor, La Amistad Behavioral Health Facility Project, Completed by Rollins College Art Students, Winter Park, FL
2000 Artist Instructor, Crealdé School of Art, Hannibal Square
Neighborhood Pride Mural Project, Winter Park, FL
1999 Artist, Louisiana State University, Mural Project for Riverside
Elementary, Baton Rouge, LA

2002 Guest Artist, Stonehouse Residency Program, Miramonte, CA
2002 Team Member, College Compact Institute for Service Learning, UCF,
Orlando, FL
2001 Participant, Coptic Binding Workshop with Susan Miller, Center
for Book Arts, NY, NY
2000 Web Design Workshop, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL
2001 Participant, College Compact Conference for Service Learning,
UCF, Orlando, FL


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 29 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 24/7/2001 : 60793

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