world artist
Maria Arango

2544 Casey Drive
Las Vegas (Stati Uniti)

tel. USA 702-798-8430

A puro huevo
ink on  paper,  22x30 cm, 1998


Letting go
ink on  paper,  10x8 cm, 1998


Perdoname Padre
ink on  paper,  30x22 cm, 1998


Well of rat
ink on  board,  18x24 cm, 1999




Birth date/place: November 29, 1959 Havana, Cuba
Citizenship: U.S. (Naturalized July 1985)
M.S., May 1992 University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Major: Exercise Physiology, emphasis course work in General Physiology/Adult Fitness.

B.A., May 1990 University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Major: Psychology.

Additional course work in art, emphasis Drawing and Printmaking

"Heart, humor and humility lightens up a heavy load." (Joni Mitchell) A sound approach to art, especially printmaking.
I am currently dedicated to making drawings, woodcut and wood engraving prints. In one of the latest series of woodcut prints I try to let the wood, ink, and paper speak their own voice and add their own imprint to the resulting work; many images are inspired by the grain of the wood itself. I strive to show the public the difference between reproductions and original prints, by giving each original print tactile and visual qualities not possible with a reproductive method, but only with the precise printmaking method that created the work. The process must show in every print.
As far as my imagery, I work in series, exploring and squeezing particular imagery until I am satisfied and allow myself to move on. Figurative work interests me as much as the desert and all its fruitful offerings, the two being principal subjects in my current work. The rat series also lives on, representing all I have learned (and would like to forget) about the rat race and all its players. I strive to reward the viewer, to impress the critic, to delight the collector, to always honor the master, and to capture the attention, if only for a moment, of the artist that lies within all.

Curriculum vitae:

Juried and Group Shows:
• Donna Beam Gallery, 1997 Juried Student Show - Railroad I (Charcoal 32x44), Well Dressed Rat II (Conte 44x32)
• Jesse Metcalf Gallery, 1998 Different Looks III Invitational Show
• CAC’s Gobbledegook, Gateway Arts and Music Experience, 1998
• Las Vegas Art Museum, 1998 Fall Art Roundup Juried Exhibition. Shown December 1998-January 1999 - Well Dressed Rat II, Disappearance.
• CAC’s Duality Juried Exhibition, 1999 - 1 piece shown and sold - Enemy
• Baren Exchange #2, July 1999 - International exchange among 30 woodblock printmakers Baren Exchange #3, Winter 1999 - International Exchange among woodblock printmakers Charlevoix Art Gallery: Juried Print Exhibition 1999 - Awarded Group (7-artist) Show
• Brand Library and Art Center, BRAND XXIX, Juried Exhibition Works on Paper 12/12/1999-1/8/2000 - Disappearance
• Prints USA 1999, National Competitive Exhibition, Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, MO -
Out of the Wood I. Through January 2000
• Gateway Arts, GAME II, September 1999
• Las Vegas Art Museum, November 1999-January 2000, Las Vegas Art Roundup
• Skokie Public Library, March 28-April29, 2000
• Las Vegas, Nevada, Art Encounter, June 10th 2000

• Charlevoix Gallery, NM, Group Show Award
• Las Vegas Art Museum, 2nd Place for Drawing Category
• Springfield Art Museum, Purchase Award

Brand Library and Art Center, Patron Purchase Award

• Springfield Museum of Art

Brand Library and Art Center
Portland Art Museum
University of Oregon, Eugene
Princeton University Graphic Arts Library

Gallery Representations:
• Printhouse, Snow Hill, Maryland
• Art Encounter, Las Vegas, Nevada
• GalleryNOW, Tampa Florida
• Charlevoix Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 18 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 1/1/2000 : 62267

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