world artist
Ajoumal Maharaj

aslam manzil,dargah sharif,
ajmer (India)

tel. 91 145 632648

acrilic on  canvas,  180x90 cm, 2001


hypnotic dance
acrilic on  canvas,  110x80 cm, 500


acrilic on  canvas,  130x90 cm, 2001


acrilic on  canvas,  150x75 cm, 2001




I was born in a small town, ajmer,in rajasthan , india.I spend three years at the national institute of design ,getting exposed to basic techniques for visual representation,theories and general awareness needed for an artistic career .At this institute I was inspired by a movie I saw on van gogh ,that made me take up painting as a full time career.Thus began my adventures with art.I joined the kanoria center for arts , which offered studio space ,and guidance from senior artists and a free atmosphere to learn and create. I had two solo shows of my work while I stayed here,one was of expressionist landscapes and the other , of potraits and figures.after leaving these studios I spent a year working at home, and had a show entitled nudes in an art gallery in bombay.I was hard up economically ,so I had to find a lucrative place to sell my art and live from I decided to move to an area frequented by tourists,travellers and odd adventurers mostly from europe .And it worked very well! I was able to make a living out of my art without any compromise.later on my own efforts I went to france and spend two years in an art school there,which was more than anything else , a french experience.I returned to india and continued making my living in the same place.for the last ten year or so I have had the oportunity to explore and experiment with painting techniques,matrials and subject matter.all along I havebeen inspired by surreal painters,expressionist art,visionary art depicting mythes and legends and fantasy. music is my permenent sourse of inspiration.I love figurative art as it enables me to express movement,rythem and sensuality

Curriculum vitae:

solo exhibition of expressionist landscapes in the city of ahmedabad,india
soloexhibition of portrait paintings in kanoria center for arts in ahmedabad1986
solo exhibition of paintings in bombay city 1987


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 19 luglio 2001
Visitatori dal 7/7/2001 : 60854

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