world artist
Cassandra Gordon-Harris

735 Bayou Blvd. S.
St. Petersburg, Florida (Stati Uniti)

tel. 727-656-2346

Anticipated Vision
oil on  canvas,  137x127 cm, 2004


Beach Petals
oil on  canvas,  92x122 cm, 2004


Blue Balls
oil on  canvas,  71x61 cm, 2004


oil on  canvas,  122x92 cm, 2004


Between earth and sky
oil on  canvas,  76 x102 cm, 2003


Ebb and Flow
oil on  canvas,  76 x 102 cm, 2003


What was and what is
oil on  canvas,  102 x 76 cm, 2003





Cassandra Gordon-Harris was born in New Orleans and at the age of nine moved to Guayaquil, Ecuador with her family. Upon graduation from high school in Guayaquil, Cassandra began her studies of art and languages in preparatory school in Fribourg, Switzerland. She then entered the University of Fribourg, obtaining a B.A. in art. Returning to the U.S. in 1964 she applied her art training in New York City, Galveston, New Orleans and Houston. During this ten-year period she worked in the field of fashion and interior design all the while pursuing her painting.

Cassandra then returned to Ecuador, establishing a residency of the Galapagos Island where she was general manager of a yacht charter. Continuing her painting, it was here that she developed a definite Spanish flavor to her work and established a reputation for both fine pen & ink and oil on canvas.

She returned to U.S. in 1976, was married the following year and began to pursue her career as a serious painter. In 1980 she moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where her work took on shape and direction further refining the bold-colored Spanish influences with southwestern landscapes. After several successful shows in Santa Fe (including participation in a critically acclaimed mural for the State of New Mexico), and continuing successes in South American Galleries, Cassandra became a member of the Santa Fe Society of Artist and later served on its board.

In 1983, she and her husband purchased a 100-year-old adobe in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, where Cassandra established her permanent studio. Besides regular exhibitions, Cassandra worked as a painting tutor for exceptional talented young people, many of her students won both local and national award for their work.

From 1993-1996 family illness and legal affairs kept Cassandra busy in other directions. When things quieted down, she realized it was time to go back to a beach. Selling their house in New Mexico Cassandra re-located her permanent studio in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she also teaches at the Arts Center & has private classes.


Works are primarily executed in oils. The completed canvases are representational bordering on abstract, with an occasional tendency to go surrealistic. Subject matter is women although landscapes do occasionally get painted. Cassandra's multi-cultural background is evident, from the Spanish influence of color and general creation of deep emotional feelings her painting communicates.

Cassandra’s work can be seen at Confident Gallery in St.and The Arts Center both in downtown St. Petersburg, By appointment only in her studio.

Curriculum vitae:

Mahaffey Theatre Gallery, St. Petersburg, Fl, 2000
Avalon Island Gallery, Orlando, FL 2002
Confident Gallery, St. Petersburg, Fl, 2003

The Venice Arts Center, Venice, Fl, 2001, 2003
Salt Creek Artworks, St. Petersburg, Fl, 2001
Capital Gallery, Tallahassee, FL 2001
Mahaffey Theatre Gallery, St. Petersburg, FL, 2002
Positive Expressions Gallery, St. Petersburg, FL, 2002
St. Augustine Art Associations, St Augustine, FL, 2003
National Association of Women Artists Annual Exhibit, NY,NY 2004

2nd Annual Women in Art, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL 2001
Phillips Gallery, Sanibel Is, FL 2002
Womens Caucus for Art,Regional Show, Winter Park, FL 2002
Hough Gallery (FLAG), St. Petersburg, FL, 2002
40x40 (40 women over 40)Margeson Theatre Gallery, Orlando, FL,2003
The Gallery in Cork St., London, UK, 2003
Galleriart, Kirkcudbright, Scotland, 2003
Diego Victorio Gallery, Miami, Fl, 2003
Northern Trust Bank, Adventura, FL 2004

City of Orlando, Florida; LIZART design portfolio, 2000
Bank of America, St. Petersburg, FL: design for paint-by-number billboard (10’ x 20’) for employee day picnic activity. June, 2001
City of St. Petersburg/Baywalk: desgin & implementation of childrens mural in conjunction with the "Milliniumn Gates" 1% for art project.Sept.,2001
Free Clinic of St. Petersburg, Fl, Recognition Wall Mural 13x46 feet; coordinator, designer and member of 5 artist painting team.
Mrs. Anne Sanan, Clearwater,Fl,outdoor mural(French garden wall & gate) 42'x9, 2003

Pinellas Country Business Development Center, oil on canvas,62"x52"
Franklin/Tempelton Bldg. Lobby, 2-28-36 oil on canvas. Petersburg, Fl, 2001

-Best of the Bay 2001: Best Booster of Female Artists for curating Museum -of Fine Arts "Women in Art" at Galleries at Salt Creek
-1st Place, Womens Caucus for Art Regional Show, Winter Park, FL, 2002
-John Brown Memorial Award for Painting,"Urban Legends,Bucolic Dreams",the Arts Center of St. Petersburg, FL,2002, Jruror: Ken Rollins, Dir, Museum of Contemporary Art, Largo, FL
-1st Place, Norther Trust Bank, Adventura Fl, 2004

-Students of C. Gordon Harris Show, The Arts Center, September, 2000
-All Children’s Hospital Fundraiser Auction (donated 4 hand painted wine goblets) Jan. 5, 2001
-Designer & Coordinator for the City of St. Petersburg, “Arts on the Ball” Hands-on Children’s activity for Super Bowl Weekend, January 28, 2001
-Juror, Teachers Pet Exhibit, Arts Center, St. Petersburg, FL, 2001
-Museum of Fine Arts, Fundraiser Fashion Show. Paintings utilized as background display. St.Petersburg, Fl, 2001
-Juror, Art Target Members Show, Sarasota, FL, 2001
-Lecture/slide presentation to the Marly Group’s “Night with an Artist”, Museum of Fine Arts,St. Petersburg, FL, 2001
-Gallery Central Merchants Association “Paint the Benches” project, Petersburg, FL 2001
-Designed,painted & donated(with R. Skelton) Trypick 60" H x 8"L, Center Against Spousal Abuse (CASA), St.Petersburg, FL 2001
-Juror/committee member, St. Petersburg Free Clinic “Recognition Wall” mural project. St. Petersburg, FL. 2002
-Mural for the Free Clinic of St. Petersburg, 13ft x 38 ft., 2002
-Kabuki Face Painter for the Museum of History Japan exhibit at SPIFF's folk festival, St. Petersburg, FL, 2003


Private Art Classes for Adults and children, 1990-present
Faculty Member, The Arts Center of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Fl, pen & ink/acrylics for children; oils, drawing & acrylics classes for adults (year round & summer art camps for children), 1999-present
The Beach Art Center, Indian Rocks Beach, FL, Childrens Summer Art Program Director & Instructor, 2004

GRANTS (Teaching)
-Artist in Residence, Canterbury Middle School, Drawing project “perspective in gray scale”, St.Petersburg, FL, 2001, Private Foundation Grant.
-Rawlings Elementary School, St. Petersburg, FL,2001 One of 10 artists selected to work on grant to design ”deer” (a la Chicago Cows) as school fund raiser.
-Artist in Residence, Sexton Elementary School, 2001-2002, on a grant from The Arts Council of Pinellas County and The Arts Center of St. Petersburg/Partnership in the Arts Partnership Program.
-Artist in Residence, Sexton Elementary School, 2002-2003, on a grant from The Arts Council of Pinellas County and The Arts Center of St. Petersburg/Partnership in the Arts Partnership Program.
-Artist in Residence, Sexton Elementary School, 2003-2004, on a grant from the Pinellas Arts Council.

Arizona Commission for the Arts, Phoenix, AZ
New Mexico Commission for the Arts, Santa Fe, NM
Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Museum of Contemporary Art, Dunedin, Fl
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.

Confident Gallery, St. Petersburg, FLorida
The Arts Center of St. Petersburg Gallery Shop
On the Internet:

Marquis Who's Who of American Women, 2002-2003,2004
Florida Trends Magazine, April, 2003

Florida Artist Group, member,board of directors & area Chair
Society for Art of Imagination, London, UK
Art Beyond Borders
218 Associacione Culturale, Italy
Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
The Arts Center of St. Petersburg, Fl
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC
Arts for a Complete Education (ACE) Steering Committee

Former member:
Former West Coast Membership Chair, Womans Caucaus for Art 2000-2003
St. Petersburg Artist Task Force, 1998-1999
Former Director and Board Member, Santa Fe Society of Artists 1980-84
Co-Founder and past member Santa Fe Multicultural-Artist Group 1981-83


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 19 Aprile 2004
Visitatori dal 30/6/2001 : 61765

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