world artist
Alison Spiesman

96 West Bay Drive
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 (Stati Uniti)

tel. (321) 868-4410

oil on  canvas,  152x124 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  138x138 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  138x138 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  138x138 cm, 2002


Notre Dame II
oil on  canvas,  165x110 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  138x138 cm, 2002


oil on  canvas,  152x124 cm, 2002


Trajectory I
oil on  canvas,  165x110 cm, 2002




Alison Spiesman’s work in oils continues a female dialogue and represents a feminine journey through her paintings. Spiesman’s work has been shown in: state, regional, national and international exhibits. Currently an upcoming solo traveling exhibit is being scheduled for 2002.

Alison Spiesman was born in South Carolina, USA in 1959.
Spiesman attended East Carolina University and received awards and scholarships, graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1981. She completed a Master of Fine Arts in 1990 from Bob Jones University.

Her professional experiences have included: Gallery Management, College Instruction, Art Restoration, and Business Owner. Alison Spiesman is a professional artist residing in Cocoa Beach, Florida and her art work may be found in numerous artist registries & galleries in the U.S.A.

"My work has evolved from my own life's experiences, As a Woman & an Artist. In developing these Ideas, I describe the space they come from as:
Somewhere on the Backside of the Mirror. My paintings are intended to be disclosing of the Female Nature and each series is an addition to this Journey.
The series that this work represents is titled: Hats NXS. This series was inspired by 8 vintage hats that belonged to my paternal Grandmother. Each hat became a catalyst for piece and was in response to: The unavoidable female inheritance of wearing: TOO MANY HATS."

Curriculum vitae:

Select Solo Exhibits

"Bring It Home" ECU 1981
2002 East Carolina University, Mendenhall Gallery, Greenville,NC

"VeryLarge Spirit"
2002 University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington,NC

2000 “GAME”, BCC/UCF Library Gallery Space, Cocoa,FL

1997 “Pg. 156”, HoFP Gallery, Columbia,SC

Select Group Exhibits

2002 Pulcheria Arte 2002, Women's Festival, Piacenza Italy

2002 2002 Independent's Show, Puna Contemporary Art Center, Pahoa HI
("Amazon" place 2nd) international juried show,

2002 Spring Award Bled 2002, Internet Exhibition,, Slovenia

2002 4th Annual All Media Exhibition, Touchstone Gallery, D.C.

2001 1st Annual SE Regional Juried, Art International, Ashville, NC

2001 Muse: A Female Perspective, 1st Thur,The Orlando Museum of Art,FL

2001 The Feminine Journey, Harris House of Atlantic Center/Arts,FL

2000 "Walk on White St", Lucky St. Gallery, Key West FL

2000 “Garments”, WomanMade Gallery, Chicago,IL

1998 Four Women, Avery Gallery, Marietta, GA

1998 Florence Museum State Art Competition, Florence,SC

1998 VOICES, Artista Vista Gallery 701, Columbia,SC

1997 "Vista Lights", Motor Supply & Gallery 701, Columbia, SC

1993 "1118 Main Street" Newberry College Faculty Exhibit, Newberry SC

1992 Sensuous Forms, 2-woman, URSA Major(Blue Pony), Charlotte, NC

1987 In Search Of Excellence, SE Juried, Center Gallery Chapel Hill NC

1985 Guild of SC Artist, Juried(merit award)Gibbs Museum Charleston SC


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 2/7/2001 : 63791

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