world artist
Linda Hoen

Rembrandtlaan 79
7545 ZH, Enschede (Olanda)

tel. +31 53 4343100

digital art on  paper,  frame: 80x60/50x40 cm,


no title
digital art on  paper,  frame: 80x60/50x40 cm,


digital art on  paper,  frame: 80x60/50x40 cm,


digital art on  paper,  frame: 80x60/50x40 cm,




I am a media artist who produces both videoinstallations and digital paintings.
At the age of 21 I joined the AKI, the academy of fine arts in Enschede. A first orientational year lead me to discover that the possibilities of audio and visual media provided me with a daring challenge.

During the following years in the media-art department I examined different aspects of audio and visual media which resulted in several videoworks. A videoinstallation led to my graduation in 1997.

Curriculum vitae:

Several exhibitions in Holland with video installations,
Art Beyond Borders member. Serveral international exhibitions.
Currently involved in development of ART-installation using the latest multimedia technology.
Next project: making videoart to a symphonic music composisition by the Dutch composer Chris Fictoor. The video will be projected during live-performances of the piece.


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 2 Novembre 2006
Visitatori dal 9/9/2000 : 61036

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