world artist
Judith Wray

1007 Old Bridge Tpk.East Brunswick, NJ (Stati Uniti)

tel. 732 254 -2707

Another scream from another direction
sculpture on  bronze,  1992


Fisher of Men
sculpture on  various materials,  1990


The Transparent Flower Show
mixed media on  glass,  2000


Tyeasts Piece
mixed media on  various materials,  1997




It isn't so much that I think I can change the world,
but that I am obligated to tailor it to what I wish
it could be and what I can reach. Thanks to the Internet
I can reach further and it is more interesting the things
which are possible. 10 years ago I started a non-profit
International arts group. We sponsor
shows at Lincoln Center's Cork Gallery and also at the
University of Medicine and Dentistry-
Robert wood Johnson Medical School, NJ

We think globally and work locally,
using the creative energies from around the country
and the world to light a fire at home fueled from everywhere.

Thoreau said "
It is something to be able to paint a particular picture
or to carve a statue
and so to make a few things beautiful

But it is far more glorious to carve and paint the atmoshere and
medium through which we look.
Which morally we can do

To affect the quality of the day
that is the highest of arts."

The Transparent Flower show is a few steps away from the bronze scream.

Curriculum vitae:

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Phila, Pa
Rutgers/Mason Gross School of the Visual Arts, New Brunswick, NJ USA
Washigton State University, Pullman Washington, USA
Univerity of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho,
Ney York State University, New York
2 years at the Johnson Atelier Technical Institute of Sculpture, Mercerville, NJ


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 23 Dicembre 2003
Visitatori dal 24/7/2001 : 61340

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