world artist
Escha Van Den Bogerd

leeuweriklaan 12, den haag, holland
den haag (Olanda)

tel. 070-3657988
web: eschasgallery.exto,nl

acrilic on  canvas,  60x80cm cm, 2000


acrilic on  canvas,  100x100cm cm, 2001


acrilic on  canvas,  70x100cm cm, 2000


acrilic on  canvas,  70x100cm cm, 2000


acrilic on  canvas,  140x70cm cm, 2006





Escha van den Bogerd e nata a Den Haag, in Olanda, dove ha frequentato la Rudolf Steiner, una scuola con molte materie artistiche come la pittura, il disegno e la storia dell'arte. Terminata la scuola, ha seguito molti corsi d'arte in giro per l'Europa, a Firenze (Italia), Salisburgo (Austria) e in Olanda stessa.

Escha utilizza un metodo di pittura nel quale l'astrazione e le immagini figurate si combinano rafforzando il loro effetto. E' un'artista di eccezionale intensita le cui astrazioni dinamiche e poetiche, i nudi e i volti, dimostrano profonda sensibilita e grande forza emozionale.

Vitale nei dettagli e brillante nei colori, i suoi dipinti in acrilico irradiano un'aura di spiritualita, che ricorda il Medio Oriente e l'Oriente, sebbene le caratteristiche formali sono da ricercare nella tradizione contemporanea Europea.

Il suo primo dipinto e stato venduto a Kitzbuehel, in Austria, dove ha vissuto e lavorato per 3 inverni.

Ha viaggiato per molto tempo in posti come il Medio Oriente, gran parte dell'Asia, Europa, Australia, Nuova Zelanda e Stati Uniti. E in Nuova Zelanda che ha incontrato David, con il quale vive da 4 anni alternandosi tra l'Europa e la Nuova Zelanda stessa. Li ha partecipato a esposizioni in alcune gallerie, a cui sono ne seguite altre in Giappone, Europa e Stati Uniti.

Sono previste nel 2005 esposizioni a Ginevra (Svizzera) e in Olanda.'

Escha van den Bogerd (21 september

Escha van den Bogerd was born in The Hague, Holland where she attended the Rudolf Steiner school, a school with many art subjects including painting, drawing and art history.
After leaving school Escha studied art in Florence, Italy, Salzburg, Austria and her home country Holland.

Escha uses a method of painting in which abstraction and figurative images combine and reinforce each other's effect.

Eschas work has delicate compositions and
Colour palette of many of the Italian romance painters.
The use of wash like technique adds drama and warmth, vibrancy and great emotional power with femininity and sensitivity
A refreshing combination of traditional figurative painting in a contemporary style influenced by the many countries she has visited.

Her main inspiration comes from the old masters that create a beautiful sense of light in their work and places such as Venice, Florence, and the Middle East.
She is an artist of exceptional intensity whose dynamic and poetic abstraction faces and figurative display profound sensitivity and a great emotional power.
Vital in attack and detail and brilliant in colour her energetically composed acrylic paintings radiate an aura of spirituality, which suggests the Middle East and Italian influences, although their formal characteristics are wholly in the contemporary European tradition.

Her first painting she sold in the town of Kitzbuehel in Austria where she lived and worked for 3 winters.
Many years of travelling followed to places such as The Middle East, most of Asia, Europe, Australia New Zealand and US.
It was in New Zealand where she remained for more then 4 years and met fellow artist David. Today Escha and David spent their time in between New Zealand and Europe, where they spent months painting in Venice, Italy and winters in the alps.
In New Zealand she started exhibiting her paintings in galleries all over the country. Exhibitions followed in Japan, Europe and US.
Today Van den Bogerd mainly sells and exhibits in Holland, The US and The UK.
Recent projects include commission work such as portraits and nudes, and work for art publishers in Europe, as well as Murals for children and adults.
Her Paintings have been sold to private collections in some of the following countries, Switzerland, Holland, UK, US, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Germany, Ireland and New Zealand.
Eschas work has also been published by PGM Artworld and house in Holland, prints are available worldwide.
Recent exhibitions where held in Switzerland and Holland.

Painting for me is about sharing thoughts and emotions with others.


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 6 Dicembre 2006
Visitatori dal 23/7/2001 : 61812

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