world artist
Anca Laxer

12b vitkin street
Haifa  (Israele)


digital art on  paper,  dim. variabili cm,


digital art on  paper,  dim. variabili cm,


paint over the past
digital art on  paper,  dim. variabili cm,


digital art on  paper,  dim. variabili cm,




Born in Bucharest, Romania
Bachelor degree in Architecture, Bucharest, Romania
Resided in Canada, 1974-1986, Canadian Citizen
Since 1986, residing in Israel

Curriculum vitae:

Few professional achievements
* first group art exhibition in Canada (Hawksbury, Ontario)
1976 –1977
* solo exhibition at “Red House Gallery” (Hudson,Quebec)
*one artist show sponsored by Rothesay Area Heritage Trust,(Rothesay, New Brunswick)
* Annual exhibition at “Sunbury Shore Art Center “( St. Andrew, New Brunswick)
* One artist show at “Barbara Bustin Gallery”(St.John, New Brunswick)
*42nd Maritime Annual Jurried Exhibition,Dalhausie University ( Halifax,Nova Scotia)
*one artist show at “Lytesome Gallery”, (Antigonish, Nova Scotia)
* two artists show at “Great George Street Gallery” with Gail Rutherford (Charllottetown, Prince Edward Island)
*Cultural Exchange- with Visby, Sweden- group exhibition sponsored and organized by G.G.S.G.(Charlottetown, P.E.I.)
*Island Visual Artists 82- Holland College School of Visual Arts(Charlottetown,P.E.I.)
*Hired by CBC as artist in Courthouse
* design and execution – a mural painting 50/5m for a fitness center
* teaching art for children and adults
*conducting special Workshops for art teachers in public schools
* Art works purchased by Canada Council Art Bank( Ottawa, Ontario)
* Design and organized ”ART-DANCE 83” a summer program for children with the dancer and dance teacher Julea Currie
* Commissioned by Secretary of State, in Ottawa to create a serie of paintings inspired by personal experience as an immigrant woman
* teaching art for children through Brockville Board of Education(Brockville, Ontario)
* commissioned for art work for different local, private companies, in Brockville
*Alliah (immigration) to Israel
* participated in Annual Spring Art Fair in Ein Hod
* participated in New Immigrants Art Exhibition held in Haifa Theater's Lobby
Presently, living in Haifa, working in Mane-Katz Museum, and as a visual artist, writing poetry,( member of “VOICES”-Israel Group of Poets in English.)and very interested and actively involved in digital art and web design.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 14 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 1/1/2001 : 61080

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