world artist
Rosa D'Alessio

Via Rimembranze 11, Madignano (CR), I-26020
Crema (Italia)

tel. +393489001540 / +390373658430

Metropolitan Lady
gouache on  paper,  2010


acrilic on  canvas,  80x80cm cm, 2010


Ye little fishing village, Cornwall
gouache on  paper,  25cm x 25 cm, 2004


Hunstanton Beach
watercolor on  paper,  16x16 cm, 1986




Rosa D'Alessio
Born in the UK, of Italian parents, (star sign Cancer - July 1954),

Studied Art & Design at Barnfield College of Art & Technology, Luton, Beds, with final year presentation to the L.S.I.A.D. (Licensors of Industrial Artists & Designers), at the London Academy in 1976.

Began drawing at the age of five, initially using as model elder brother's comic books. Currently, preferred mediums are pensil on paper, watercolour & oil on canvas or wood, acrylics & mixed media.

Ca Bianca Club, Milan
Winner of 1 yr exhibition space at the Agorà gallery, N.Y.
Fukuoka - Japan 2011
Artisti Europei a Cremona - 2011
Biennale di Chianciano - 2011

other works visible at

favourite sayings:

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. Mother Teresa.

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill

Sons outgrow our laps, but never our hearts...♥ ☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤❤¸.•*¨*•☆☆

Curriculum vitae:

Studied Art & dress design at Luton College of Art & Technology

Worked as designer for various fashion companies in London. Now drawing & painting for pleasure.

Exhibitions & Merits

-Winner of International competition & reward of one years hanging space at the Soho Art Gallery, New York - 1992

-Cà Bianca Club - group exhibition - Milan 1992

-Vimercate Art Fair - Milan Italy - 1994

-Art & cultural Association extemporary - Soncino, Italy

-Art Space Lynx Gallery, Fukuoka , Japan - Group Exhibition 28 feb to 6 March 2011


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 22 Settembre 2011
Visitatori dal 6/11/2001 : 61417

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