world artist
Blanka Kriz Sterle

Puterlejeva 34, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana (Slovenia)

tel. 01/ 5424457

oil on  canvas,  170 x 120 cm, 1993


Funny Sun
oil on  canvas,  45 x 60 cm, 1993


Morning and Night, sun and moon
mixed media on  canvas,  60 x 80 cm, 1994


sculpture on  terracotta,  20 x 20 cm, 1995




Was born 1971 in Slovenia, and she is now working in capital city – Ljubljana.
The art has always been a creative outlet for her life.

In 1991 she has graduated in photography in a school of Modelling and Photography in Ljubljana
In the year 1992 she has studied design, graphics and illustration in Bolt Court Center – The City Literary Institute in London.
When she returned back to Slovenia she took a course of sculpture and statue modelling on slovenian Academy of Art in Ljubljana.
In year 1996 she studied pottery, restoring and statue modelling in school of art – Famul Stuart in Ljubljana

Curriculum vitae:

Photography, with a diploma degree,
The course of Illustration, with a references from the principal,
The course of Graphic Design, with a references from the principal,
The course of Sculpture and Statue modelling,
The course of Ceramics, Pottery, Restoring and Modelling, with passed exames.

In 1991- exhibition of her photography in the school of Arts and Photography in Ljubljana,
In the same year she took part with a local theatre of young artist in modelling a scene for a play (with her clay art),
In the year 1999 a weekly magazine called Ona, wrote about her art,
In the year 1999 she was invited to help restoring the old fresco on a church ceiling from 16th century.
In the year 2000 she took a part with her art works on Pulcheria Art exhibition.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 30/7/2001 : 61068

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