world artist
Catherine Marche

London (Gran Bretagna)

tel. +44 7092 050 134

Cheveux de feu
oil on  canvas,  38 x 46 cm, 2000


Ladies in Red
oil on  canvas,  91 x 76 cm, 2001


Women around Me
oil on  canvas,  91 x 76  cm, 2001


oil on  cardboard,  31 x 39 cm, 2001




I was born in July 1967, in Neuilly-sur-Seine near Paris and grew up in France, Germany and Africa. As a child, I saw the world as full of people of all kind of races and colours speaking hundreds of different dialects. Maybe that is why I do not respect a conventional approach of colours in my work. These encounters with different cultures gave me a taste to experiment as various trips to Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean opened my vision to a broad range of bright colours, which are often used in my paintings.

I just love expressing myself using my vivid imagination and wish to give my interpretation of feelings and beauty based on the human body.I have always been interested in expressing myself through art, being music, dance or painting. When my friends started to buy or commission my work, I realized I enjoyed it more than I thought decided to give it more time. I still consider myself more as an autodidact and a “touche à tout”. I look at several ways of expressing “Féminité” and sensuality, another vision of life through dreams and imagination.
I’d love my work to be able to cast a spell on the viewer and tell him things he does not know about himself through a fascinating exchange. I want to transcribe the way women feel; trace their inner emotions on canvas. I think some women live in a fantasy world where they would love to be someone else (thinner, blonder, taller, more beautiful, happier…). I work as well on the simplification of shapes and silhouettes.

Most of my work is figurative, expressionist or fauvist based on the human figure. The mediums I use the most are Oil painting and etching.

Curriculum vitae:


2001 Wodenhead Gallery, February, Fantasy Show, Key West, Florida, USA
- Wandsworth Art Society, February, Group Show, London UK
- South West London Art Group, Spring exhibition, London UK
- Solo Show, “Women around me” ,Chelsea, London UK
- Group Show, Warm arts - Blue Ruin Gallery, Pittsburg, PA, USA
- Group Show Putney, London UK
- The Point, London UK
- Ephemeral, Aartvark Gallery, Dewsbury, UK
- Balham Festival – Artmarkit (June), London UK

- Not the Royal Academy Show, Llewellyn Alexander Gallery, June-Sept, London
- South West London Art Group, Streatham Library, June London
- Putney theatre, Summer Festival, solo show, July, London
- Femme Fatale, group exhibition,Three legged dog gallery September Key West, Florida, USA
- Her Art, group exhibition, Woodenhead Gallery, September, Key West, Florida, USA
- Collective Exhibition at Earlsfield Library (Sept-October) London
- Stuckism, The Real Turner Prize show, Up and Above Gallery (Oct-November) Falmouth
- Wandsworth Festival, November 2000, Wandsworth, London

- Chinese Ink drawings Laurence Hall, London
- Alg International, Recent works, Pewter Platter Tavern , Folgate London

1997 Gestus Concept Association Exhibition, Taverny (France)
1995 De Terre, d’Huile et de Feu, Mesnil St Denis (France)Theme of exhibition: Earth, Wind and Fire
1991 Recent works Bladensburg art Gallery, Maryland (USA)

85-90 University of Orléans (FRANCE), Graduation in Mathematics and Physics, Beaux-Arts d’Orléans
90-91 University of Vermillion (USA), graduation in Computer Sciences and Music
98-00 Central St Martins college of Art and Design, Etching - Photoshop
2000-01 Putney School of Arts, Screenprinting
2001 Atichoke Studios, Lithography

Saxophone, ski, rafting, water ski, painting, art exhibitions

commissions include: - design of T-shirts for events (International Student week, Notting Hill Gate Carnival…)
- portraits and other paintings
- wedding invitation cards, postcards and greeting cards
- posters for concerts and parties, flyers…

Work in private collections in France, UK, USA, West Indies, Netherlands
REPRESENTATION: Woodenhead Gallery, FL, Blue Ruin Gallery, PA - USA


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 14 luglio 2003
Visitatori dal 14/5/2001 : 60933

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