world artist
Karin Starmans

v.d.Swalmestraat 14 4381TD
Vlissingen (Olanda)


oil on  board,  53/75 cm, 2002


mother mary
oil on  board,  43/75 cm, 2002


oil on  board,  53/79 cm, 2000


working to gether
oil on  canvas,  135/105 cm, 2001




Educational training:
Secundary school for lower general education/ (M.A.V.O.)
Subjects: Dutch language, English language, History, Biology, Geographics,
Art of drawing, Art history

Intermediate Vocational Education/ Activity Training (M.B.O.).A.B.)
Subjects: Gerontology, psychologics, Drama, Knowledge of Health,Knowledge
of Society, Knowledge of Communication, Art of Drawing, Manual
Training, Art Design with Textile.

Mid Range Training Child's Theater:
2 years

Stage Management Training:
3 years

Master classes theater:
with among others Helmert Woudenberg, Ruud v Heemert, Comedia
del Arte.

Courses: Woman and her own Company
Pictorial Arts

Royal Academy Des Beaux Arts at Antwerp:
Subjects: Sculpture, Art of Drawing, Art History

Curriculum vitae:

Work Experience:
1990-2001 Producing Paintings
1992-1999 Directing of theatergroups
1990-1999 Acting: figuration television
1991-1997 Iniating organisation theatergroup
1993-1997 Home Galery
1993-1994 Organisation of EI project: Streetfestival, stage per-
formance, Streettheater, Art route.
1994-1998 Organisation modeshows of own design and accessories

Modeshows at:
1995 Flora/fauna exh.Goes/Zeeland
1996 Center Vlissingen
1996 Aardenburg
1996 Cosmo Discotheque Vlissingen
1997 Aliene Modelling Agency
1998 Soif cafe, combined with Art route Vlissingen
1999 Bodega De Posthoorn The Hague

1992 Multi Colour Middelburg
1993 De Gulle Gever Vlissingen
1993 Galery Hannelore Meyaard Vlissingen
1994 Arsenaal Theater
1995 Elderschans Aardenburg
1995 Flora Fauna Goes
1996 A.B.N. bank Middelburg
1997 De Posthoorn Den Haag
1997 De Eetkamer Middelburg
1997 Labruyere Domburg
1997 Turfschip Breda
1993-1997 Home Galery
1998 Cultureel centrum Knokke Belgie
2000 Gemeentehuis Kapelle
2000 Kunsthuis Kroon Vlissingen
2001 Home exposition
2001 Real film festival Canada
2001 Barbele Art site internet
2001 Ambrozijn Vlissingen
2001 Kunst Collectie Karin Ernens Middelburg
2001 Kunsthuus Heinkezand
2002 Badhotel Domburg


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 5/5/2001 : 60881

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