world artist
Olavi Ahokas

Hansjöv, 29a
SE79431, Orsa (Svezia)


Fryksas 2
watercolor on  paper,  60x80 cm, 1997


watercolor on  paper,  80x60 cm, 2001


Stockholm at winter
watercolor on  paper,  80x60 cm, 1999


Waterstop at the highlands
watercolor on  paper,  60x80 cm, 2000




Well, how comes that a finnish guy, living in Sweden is painting Norwegian mountainscapes? I won't give you an answer here, but you will find it on my webpage. But a short recap on my art is the way I want to see it.

As a small window to places you want to visit or revisit, in your mind or in person. I find mountains as asight for piece of silence, a place to recollect yourself.
Just thinking of the fact that we are here are all just visitors on this planet Earth for a handful of decades. These mountains will survive us, like they have survived the generations before us and hopefully, the coming generations aswell. In short what ever that might bug us, our problems are tiny compared the mass of these giants. Am I this depressed, I hope not. Some people that landscape paintings lack emotions, soul and spirit, I disagree as the nature itself is not a dead corps, waiting for geting hauled away. But I do some other stuff aswell. Just have look at my website.

I started with art in the early nineties, simply by drawing in a scetchbook with a pencil. I was encouraged by people around me to display my work at local exebitions, and soon I switched over to watercolors. I do admit to break the common trend of watercolor with light layers of colors, with my layers of colors but this is because I like doing so. Sometimes it is just fine to break the rules, to find your way to communicate to the viewers.

But I have also done some other artistic projects, like a large homepage of my hometown of Mora, with all my own photography and pictures that are made of these photos. I also made a few commercial booklets, and I have started my own artring with local artists. To name a few of my projects. More of these and various interests, you will find inside of my homepage.

But one of these days I will learn how to expess myself only in a few words....


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 16 Settembre 2003
Visitatori dal 5/5/2001 : 61796

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