world artist
Renate Summer

P.O. Box 2597, Gilbert, AZ 85299, USA
Kindberg (Austria)

tel. 480-558-0530

mixed media on  cardboard,  50x65 cm cm, 1995


mixed media on  cardboard,  75x76 cm cm, 1995


Gloria in altissimis Deo
oil on  canvas,  90x90cm cm, 2000


mixed media on  cardboard,  43x61 cm cm, 1997




Renate Summer was born in Kindberg, Austria.
After studying Art in Graz, she has been working as an educator for the arts since 1972.
1981 was the first big presentation of her work in the course of a collective exhibition in Leoben, Austria.

At the beginning of her creative work, Renate Summer's art pieces were still under the influence of such great artists, as Lautrec and Daumier, in the 19th and 20th century. Her artistic way lead her from the caricature, to a period determined by mediterranean colors and finally, to expressionism. In the painting "The Horror" the artist worked on the horror of the holocaust. In cooperation with the Latin poet Martin Rohacek, Renate Summer designed the catalogue "Anamnesis" (rememberance) illustrating the writer's poets. In addition, the poems were set to music by the composer Herbert Marinkowitsch. It is the artist's wish to preserve "The Creation", therefore she has been devoting herself lately to sacral themes that were produced while listening to the music of Joseph Hayden's "The Creation".

Curriculum vitae:

Catalog Anámnesis

1986 Graz, Austria
1986 Prix Lancôme
1988 Triest, Italy
1988 Fréjus, France
1988 Monte Carlo, Monaco
1990 London, United Kingdom
1991 Pécs, Hungary
1993 Vienna "Palmenhaus," Austria
1993 Vienna "UNO-City," Austria
1995 Soustons "Villa des Arts," France


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 18/4/2001 : 60919

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