world artist
Janet Morgan

Brooklyn, New York (Stati Uniti)


watercolor on  paper,  65 X 100 cm, 1999


watercolor on  paper,  65 x 100 cm, 1997


watercolor on  paper,  65 X 100 cm, 1999


watercolor on  paper,  55 x 80 cm, 2000




Janet Morgan is an internationally exhibited artist living in Brooklyn. She was selected to be an artist in residence at the Weir Farm National Historic Site in Connecticut, and at the Center for Symbolic Studies in New Paltz, New York. The Brooklyn Arts Council recently published a lithograph of Ms.Morgan's, which was presented as a tribute award to Howard Golden, Brooklyn Borough President.

On her new site you will see that in the last few years she has created works of art inspired by her study of belly dance and its music. A series of six dance paintings won Best In Show at the Seventh Annual Medical Complex Exhibition at the Weill Cornell Medical Library in New York City. The dance inspired paintings have been used on posters for belly dance shows and workshops, and for a production of the play Shivaree by William Mastrosimone. Her large banner paintings, 8 by 8 feet each, have
been used in dance and musical performances.

Janet has traveled widely. She and the painter Gregory Frux were the first Americans to show at the National Museum of Art of Kyrgyzstan. She has painted landscapes inspired by her travels in Central Asia, Africa, South and North America.

Janet Morgan's first web site exhibits nearly half of the 150 paintings in the series Morgan's Supreme Beings: The God and Goddess Project, with contributions in word and art by a wide range of people, from physicist to actor. Some of her ceramic pieces are also featured on this site. She has illustrated a number of fine press books and broadsides, which are in the collection of New York Public Library Rare Book Room and many other libraries around the world.

Curriculum vitae:

2000: "Two New York City Artists Exhibiting in Bishkek: Janet Morgan and Gregory Frux".
National Museum of Art of Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
1996: "Three Artists in the Andes". The Maria Henle Studio Gallery, Christensted, St. Croix,
U.S. Virgin Islands. Paintings of Bolivia.
1995: Solo: "Terra Cotta, Teraphim and Terrifying Terra Firma". Paintings and Ceramics.
Weill Cornell Medical Library, New York City.
"Wildlands: Mountains and Interior Landscapes", Artists-In-Residence Exhibit at the Center
for Symbolic Studies, New Paltz, New York.
1994: Solo: "Canyons and Kivas". O'Sullivan's Taqueria, New York City. Images of the
American Southwest.
1992: Solo: "Deities and Domains". The Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, New York City.
1991: Solo: "Terra Incognita". The Alfred Adler Institute, New York City.
1986: Solo: "Recent Work". The 7A Café, New York City. Reviewed: 108-An East Village Review.
1984: Solo: "Portraits and Scenarios". Passaic County Community College, Patterson, New
Jersey. Curated by Danielle Rubel. Talk given to students.
1983: Solo: "Watercolors and Window Installation". The Sohozat Gallery, New York
City. Reviewed in the Village Voice.

2001: Artist in Residence at the Weir Farm National Historic Site, Wilton, Conn.
1995: Artist in Residence at the Center for Symbolic Studies, New Paltz, New York. Exhibition
and ceremonial art for midsummer celebration.
1991: Visiting Artist at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Two weeks of classes on Art nnnnnnTherapy, plus lectures and demonstrations.
1991: Artist in Residence, Resident Naturalist Program, Appalachian Mountain Club, New Hampshire

Lithograph published by the Brooklyn Arts Council and presented to Brooklyn Borough President
Howard Golden as a tribute award, 2001.
BEST IN SHOW The Seventh Annual Medical Complex Art Exhibition. Weill Cornell Medical Library,
New York, New York. 1997.
HONORABLE MENTION at the Tenth and Eleventh Annual Medical Complex Art Exhibition. Weill
Cornell Medical Library. 2000 and 2001.

National Museum of Art of Kyrgyzstan
Glacier National Park
New York Public Library Rare Book Room
Howard Golden, Brooklyn Borough President
Kendal Henry, MTA Arts for Transit
Judith Malina, the Living Theatre
Charlotte Kasl, author
Andreas Brown, Gotham Book Mart
Rauner Special Collections Library at Dartmouth College
State University of New York at Stony Brook University Libraries
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
University of Wisconsin at Madison

Agnes Murray Brooklyn Arts Council Exhibit Focuses on Brooklyn Landmarks, Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
November 6, 2000.
Printmaker's Portfolio 2000, Brooklyn Heights Courier, December 4, 2000.
Gregory William Frux An Introduction to Website Design: Janet Morgan Art Calendar, Sept. 1999.
Janet McCann Hymns to a Female God As Yet Unnamed. Vortex, Spring 1988.
Vivien Raynor Rutgers: 'Outsider' and One 'Insider'. New York Times, April 26, 1987.
Janet Gillespie Janet Morgan: 7A Restaurant. 108- An East Village Review, Sept 1986.
Alice Gottesman & Nancy Lupone They Do Windows. Village Voice, April 1983.


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 7/4/2001 : 61163

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