world artist
Jittemann Guido Rombach

Krewinkel 101
52224 Stolberg (Germania)

tel. +49 (0)2402 73625

oil on  wood,  - cm,


A Butterfly is not Necessary
oil on  wood,  110x50 cm,


My Picture of Women -2
oil on  wood,  100x95 cm,


My Picture of Women -3
oil on  wood,  60x90 cm,




Since a crucial experience
during weeding in the parental garden
instinctive working.
Tinkering busy on the career as painterking,
always with the aim,
to slap the spirit of the world through form and colour
right into the face.

Jittemann's theme is the human being as an individual - his urges, feelings, moods...
and the human society with its light and dark sides.
He places it as a caricature, in its sweet esthete, -from comical, witty to critical, heretical.
In his work Jittemann expresses news, experiences and values as an artist.
On the one hand laying the moral index into the wounds of the human race,
on the other hand, reminding man with a smile not to take himself and his role too seriously.
Life is only a game.

Jittemann's work is arranged in a self developed technique.
First he creates spontaneous, quick drawn sketches.
The ideas are subconscious and are thrown eruptively on paper,
then transfered on a coated wooden board and developed in an extravagant,
time consuming precision-work in paint.
He creates his works of art by means of lacquer and the special process,
which appear as an enamel metal surface or glazed, fired ceramics.
The colourdness is very intensive and the pictures are extremely effective.
Not only does the viewer see an imaginery room with characters in the picture -
the picture as such is real.
The observer gains the impression that his characters would instantly jump out of the picture.

Since 1988, 375 pictures have been created with this technique.
At the moment the artist is working on another 50.

Coexisting with painting, drawings are created in different techniques
and since 1994 more and more on canvas in paint or oil.

Curriculum vitae:

Guido Rombach)
born on February 15th 1967
in Stolberg, Germany

convinced autodidact

since 1995 readiness for
public presentation

since 1998 member of the
"Societas Ars Erotica Nova"
(contact person for Germany)

since 1998 member of the
FJK ("Promotional Association
Young Art e.V.")

since 1999 member of
art beyond borders
(int. organisation of artists)

since 1999 member of
"Verbund Kunstwerk"
(Frankfurt a.M., Germany)

since 1999 member of
art goes public
(Hamburg, Germany)

since 2000 member of
(Piacenza, Italy)

since 2000 member of
(Fürth, Germany)

since 2000 member of
(New York, USA)


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 8/5/2001 : 60807

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